History. In Ukraine, w. x. known since ancient times; they were treated by the folk in the Kievan Rus
In Ukraine, w. x. known since ancient times; they were treated by the folk in the Kievan Rus.
In the 19th century. in Ukraine, especially in the villages, was very widespread scabies. In many villages it hvorìlo up to 100% of the mesh. More common were also piodermity, whose number increased significantly due to the proliferation of a number of industrial enterprises that did not have proper hygienic conditions of production. Quite common were also abrasions and eczema. Hvorìlo less population in mycoses, tuberculosis and pìstrâka skin.
1913, from incomplete data w. hvorìlo about 900 people on 10 0000 mesh, including the Scabies is about 340.
In the first world war and the ROAR. 1917 – 20 pp. number of sh h. has significantly increased. Decline began in their paper and gradually continued to improve thanks to the sanitary-and-hygienic measures up to beg. the second world war. In this war the number of w's again significantly increased. Born in November 1943. Commissariat of Health approved a plan to combat w. and introduced them to the required accounting. 1944 was established, that the number of scabies in some areas has reached from 20 to 60%, and in some localities to 100%. From this time the Ukranian dermatologists spent many expeditions to combat scabies; they offered and introduced several new medicines in practice and achieved great success in treating sh. Kh.
Now in Ukraine there are only isolated cases of scabies. The introduction of prevention and management of treatment was also achieved a significant reduction in the number of dermatomìkozi disease, Pyoderma (such as TRAC), eczema, etc.
Learning dermatologìû and run by wrestling with w. dermatovenerologic UKR. Science-Research Institute (see), etc. science research institutes and Cathedral of Dermatology honey. institutions, especially in the Kharkiv and Lviv. In the fight against tuberculosis of the skin and its treatment of the special role played by the Odessa and Lviv and lûpozorìï hospitals for patients with tuberculosis of the skin at different institutes of tuberkul′ozi and when the big cancer centers.
Дата добавления: 2015-09-03 | Просмотры: 610 | Нарушение авторских прав
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