Instruction for the standardized patient. Pains are localized in an epigastric area
Iskakov Bolat
You are 35.
Pains are localized in an epigastric area.
Pains carry pressing character.
Pains of moderate intensity.
Pains not irradiate.
Pains not the permanent mainly arise up in 2-3 hours after eating, sometimes at night.
An appetite is stored, but restrain temper from dread of appearance of pain.
Periodically there is heartburn.
Illness at 1 year.
Mark worsening after an error in a diet. Often feed on open sandwich
Vomiting appeared "coffee-grounds" first
Periodically accept "Almagel" for the removal of pains.
Mark worsening of the state in a cold season.
To present tense for medicare did not apply.
Evaluation sheet of the station ( 1 variant)
Diagnostics of pathology of organs of the digestive system. Communicative skills.
S.N.P. ___________________________________________________________
Number of student ____________________________________________________
Speciality _____________________________________________________
Variant of task __1__________________________________________________
| Criteria of implementation
| Discipline
| Coefficient
| Points
| Did not execute
| Executed not in full
| Executed in full
| Greeted with a patient. Introduced oneself to the patient
| Disposed a patient to itself, created a comfort condition to him. Politely and tactfully specified the last name, name and age of patient
| Taking the history is complaints
| Specified localization of pain (in an epigastric area)
| 4.
| Specified character of pain and duration
| Specified time of appearance of pains and possibility of reasons
| Specified intensity of pain
| Specified the irradiation of pain
| Specified factors strengthening or taking off the pain feeling, additional complaints
| Taking the history - anamnesis morbi
| Specified time of beginning of disease, reason of the worsening of the state
| Specified periodicity of intensifying (connection in course of time years, eating)
| Specified, whether an inspection is conducted before. Specified, whether treatment and what treatment are conducted before accepted or accepts now (efficiency of the conducted therapy)
| Choosed from offer pictures research results at a gastric (picture №1) ulcer
| VD
| Named basic radial symptoms (direct signs) characteristic for a gastric ulcer and showed them on pictures: niche, inflammatory billow, convergence of folds.
| VD
| Named the syntopy of stomach
| Anatomy 2
| Named golotopy stomach
| Anatomy 2
| Name and show at the preparation how the stomach is covered by peritoneum.
| Anatomy 2
| Name the skeletopy of stomach
| Anatomy 2
| Name of the stomach it’s blood supply, innervations
| Anatomy 2
Examiner ______________________________
«___» ________20__y.
Дата добавления: 2015-09-18 | Просмотры: 550 | Нарушение авторских прав
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