АкушерствоАнатомияАнестезиологияВакцинопрофилактикаВалеологияВетеринарияГигиенаЗаболеванияИммунологияКардиологияНеврологияНефрологияОнкологияОториноларингологияОфтальмологияПаразитологияПедиатрияПервая помощьПсихиатрияПульмонологияРеанимацияРевматологияСтоматологияТерапияТоксикологияТравматологияУрологияФармакологияФармацевтикаФизиотерапияФтизиатрияХирургияЭндокринологияЭпидемиология

Instruction for the standardized patient

  1. Instruction for the standardized patient
  2. Instruction for the standardized patient
  3. Now match the patients’ descriptions of their symptoms (1-7) with the medical terms (a-g).
  4. Put the points of the instruction in the correct order.

Ivanov Sergey Vladimirovich.

You are 45.

Pains are localized in an epigastric area.

Pains carry pressing, burning character.

Pains of the expressed intensity

Pains of irradiate to the right.

Pains not the permanent mainly arise up at night on a hungry stomach or in 3-4 hours after eating,

An appetite is stored.

Periodically there is nausea, heartburn.

Vomiting by food eaten the day before, disturbs sour in the flow of month, brings a facilitation.

you consider itself a patient during a year.

Mark worsening after an error in a diet (salted, sharp food) you feed not regularly.

Periodically accept "Аlmagel" for the removal of pains.

Mark worsening of the state in a spring-autumn period of year.

To present tense for medicare did not apply.

Evaluation sheet of the station ( 2 variant)

Diagnostics of pathology of organs of the digestive system. Communicative skills.

Evaluation sheet of the station(Вариант2)

S.N.P. ___________________________________________________________

Number of student ____________________________________________________


Speciality _____________________________________________________

Variant of task __2__________________________________________________


Criteria of implementation Discipline Coefficient Points
Did not execute Executed not in full Executed in full
  Greeted with a patient. Introduced oneself to the patient PII        
  Disposed a patient to itself, created a comfort condition to him. Politely and tactfully specified the last name, name and age of patient PII        
  Set forth the questions accessible for a patient PII        
Taking the history is complaints
  Specified localization of pain (in an epigastric area) PII        
5. Specified character of pain and duration PII        
  Specified time of appearance of pains and possibility of reasons PII        
  Specified intensity of pain PII        
  Specified the irradiation of pain PII        
  Specified factors strengthening or taking off the pain feeling, additional complaints PII        
Taking the history - anamnesis morbi
  Specified time of beginning of disease, reason of the настоящеего worsening of the state PII        
  Specified periodicity of intensifying (connection in course of time years, eating) PII        
  Specified, whether an inspection is conducted before. Specified, whether treatment and what treatment are conducted before accepted or accepts now (efficiency of the conducted therapy). Named the supposed diagnosis PII        
  Choose from offer pictures research results at a gastric ulcer VD        
  Named basic radial symptoms (direct signs) characteristic for the ulcer of duodenum and showed them on pictures: niche, inflammatory billow, convergence of folds. VD        
  Named the golotopy of duodenum Anatomy 2        
  Enumerated parts of duodenum Anatomy 2        
  Name skeletotopy duodenum (Anatomy)   Anatomy 2        
  Named the syntopy of duodenum Anatomy 2        
  Name and show at the preparation how the duodenum is covered by peritoneum.            


Examiner ___________________________


«___»_______20 ___ y.

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