Strategic Planning and Tactical Planning
Planning can be classified... the basis... scope or breadth. Strategic planning can be defined... the process... determining the primary objectives... an organization and adopting courses... action and allocating resources necessary to achieve those objectives. Strategic plans tend to be both broad and long range; focusing... those organizational objectives that will have major impact... the organization... a period... several years. Strategic planning has a critical impact... the destiny... the organization since it provides long-run direction... managers.
... contrast, tactical planning focuses... the implementation... activities specified... the strategic plans. Tactical planning tends to be shorter-term than strategic planning, and focuses more... current and near-term activities required to implement overall strategies.... the two types... planning are different, both must be integrated... an overall system designed to achieve organizational objectives.
Ex.6. Ask questions to fit these answers:
1. Managers direct the efforts of others toward the company goal.
2.Top managers devote their time to developing long-range plans for the company.
3. Middle managers may operate a branch of a department store chain.
4. First-line managers have direct and continuing contact with production personnel.
5. Every manager must possess three basic managerial skills,
6. The ability to create a work environment is crucial managerial skill at every level.
7. Conceptual skills involve a manager's ability to «see the picture».
8. Strategic planning has a critical impact on the destiny of the organization since it provides long-run direction for managers.
9. Tactical planning focuses on current and near-term activities, 10. Managers are continually involved with anticipating and preventing
Ex.7. Define or briefly explain the following key terms:
a) management
b)decision making
c) objective
d) leadership
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