Ех. 1. Read and retell the text
Ex. 2. Say what you have learnt about:
1) the organization chart of national economy of a country;
2) such field of national economy as Commerce. What does it consist of and deal with?
3) the difference between wholesale and retail trade;
4) such sectors of Commerce as Insurance, Transportation, and Communications;
5) the role of banking as financial intermediary;
6) the tasks of warehousing
7) financial services of auditors, accountants, etc;
8) services of hotels and tourist agencies, public catering.
Ex. 3. Find English equivalents (column B) of the Ukrainian ones (column A):
а) Постачати, (забезпечувати); промисловість, торгівля, послуги; будівельні матеріали; доставляти товар залізницею, автомобілем, літаком
або морем; товари та послуги; внутрішня і зовнішня торгівля; експортні та імпортні угоди (операції); оптова торгівля, торгівля у роздріб; давати знижку; товар на перепродаж; покриття ризику; складування товару; банківські послуги; методи платежу та платіжного врегулювання.
b) Commodities (goods, merchandise) and services; Home Trade and Foreign Trade; Industry, Commerce, Direct Services; export and import transactions; warehousing of goods; wholesale and retail trade; covering risk; Banking; to deliver goods by rail, road, air or ship; construction materials; for resale; methods of payment and settlement; to give a discount; to supply.
Ex. 4. Think and answer:
1. What do you mean when you use the words 'economy', 'economies', and 'national economy'? What is the difference?
2. In what way are the three principal fields of national economy connected?
3. What fields and sectors of national economy of Ukraine does the University of Trade and Economics train students for?
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