Ex.l. Study the following definitions. Make sure you understand them and can reproduce from memory
Management achievement of organizational objec-
tives through people and other resources
top management managers who develop long-range
plans and interact with the government and the community
middle management managers responsible for developing
detailed plans and procedures to implement plans of top management
supervisory management people directly responsible for details
of assigning workers to specific jobs and evaluating performance
planning the process of setting goals for the or-
ganization and developing strategies to meet them
organizing the process of coordinating the work
effort of employees and assigning work activities to accomplish the company goals
directing guiding and motivating employees to
accomplish organizational objectives
controlling evaluating the organization's perform-
ance to determine whether it is accomplishing its objectives
Ex.2. Study the following additional definitions and translate them into your mother tongue:
decision making process of choosing among alternatives
objective specific result or target to be reached
by a certain time
leadership motivating or causing others to perform
activities designed to achieve specific objectives
great man theory leadership theory emphasizing that only
an exceptional person is capable of playing a prominent leadership role
strategic planning the process of determining the major
objectives of an organization; the adoption of courses of action, and the allocation of resources necessary to achieve those objectives
tactical planning planning focusing on short-term im-
plementation of current activities and the allocation of resources for those activities
Ex.3. Find the following words and phrases in the text. Translate sentences containing them into your mother tongue:
To achieve objectives; to be involved in production; to develop long-range plans; to make decisions; to implement the general plans; to evaluate performance; to put into action; managerial skills; ability; to create a work environment; to be skillful in; to set goals; to encompass decisions; to coordinate the efforts; to issue orders; to accomplish objectives.
Ex.4. Match the words in column one with their synonyms in column two:
objective ability, capacity
to evaluate to implement, to fulfill
skill goal, aim
to accomplish to value, to estimate
decision wages, payment
salary resolution, determination
to manufacture to decide, to resolve
to determine to produce, to make
Ex.5. Fill in the blanks with prepositions and adverbs where necessary:
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