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Computing proportional benefits for each category of individuals

  1. Main consequences of the equitable proportional benefit strategy
  2. Table 1. Prescription scenarios according to ESH/ESC successive guidelines and the Proportional Benefit strategy.
  3. Table 2. Sensitivity analysis assessing the impact of the 2013 ESH/ESC Guidelines on costs, proportion of benefits and efficiency.

In order to allocate the same proportional benefit to individuals of all categories of age and gender, we multiplied the burden of years of potential life lost class-specific by the PBESH/ESCcoefficient to estimate the desired life-years gained (Eq 5, derived from Eq 3) and the number of events to prevent (NEPdes) under the PB strategy (Eq 6, derived from Eq 1). Thus, among the youngest potentially eligible male about 400 deaths of cardiovascular origin were expected to occur in the next ten years, while 1600 deaths were expected in the second age category and 4000 deaths in the third category. Applying a PB coefficient of 10% implies that the desired number of deaths prevented would be, respectively, 40, 160 and 400.


Eq 5 to compute the desired life-years gained by categories of gender and age according to the Proportional Benefit approach. It corresponds to the years of potential life lost multiplied by the overall ESH/ESC proportional benefit coefficient.


Eq 6 used to calculate the desired numbers of events prevented over 10 years by age and gender categories, where NEP: number of events prevented; LYG: life-years gained; LE: mean life expectancy.

Дата добавления: 2015-11-26 | Просмотры: 308 | Нарушение авторских прав

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