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The apposition is a kind of an attribute that explains or gives another name or definition to the noun or pronoun it modifies. It can be of two kinds:

Close apposition (non-detached) Loose (detached) apposition
titles, military ranks, professions, geographical names, relations, etc – form one whole with the head word = an indivisible word-group forms a separate sense group and gives identification or explanation
· Uncle Tom · the River Thames · Professor Foster · Sir Percival etc · Her father, the local doctor, knows everybody around. · Mr. Trollope, a strong and muscular young man, was taller than the host.


TASK 11. Find attributes and appositions in the given sentences and comment on them.

  1. The first day's journey from was intolerably tedious.
  2. He was always the first to enter the dining-room and the last to leave.
  3. The two men faced each other silently.
  4. Ethel, the youngest, married a good-for-nothing little waiter.
  5. To think that a man of his abilities would stoop to such a horrible trick as that.
  6. Daniel Quilp began to comprehend the possibility of there being somebody at the door.
  7. Oh, that never-to-be-forgotten summer in the Golden Valley!
  8. Still, Pett's happiness or unhappiness is quite a life and death question with us.
  9. He was one of these very, very tall, round-shouldered guys - he was about six four - with lousy teeth.
  10. He had remembered her at once, for he always admired her, a very pretty creature.
  11. I could never stand John’s you-take-me-as-you-find-me attitude.
  12. She had lied about the scullery door being open on the night of the disappearance of the bank-notes.
  13. I doubt whether Major Bell will approve of their plan, so casually outlined.
  14. Thus these two waited with impatience for the three years to be over.
  15. The first thing Martin did next morning was to call the insurance office.
  16. All the people present were deeply shocked by the nature of the crime the defendant was charged with.
  17. The second plane, a huge Boeing, was about to touch the concrete runway brightly lit by spotlights.
  18. I'm afraid there is nothing to safely rely on in his account of the case.
  19. His button of a nose was plastered to the shop window.
  20. Samuel Chealy, the then President of the firm, was definitely against the dubious deal.

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