Krutov S.W. В. and Utkin U. А.
Pyramid - Water
(Power installation of improvement of a condition of the man, by means of influence torsion field of water on power of a body)
The developers:
Krutov S.W. В. and Utkin U. А.
The modern lines of development of a society testify that the progress of mankind and separate countries of the world now is appreciably defined by a level of available technologies of quantum physics and medicine and also is defined by a level nanotechnologies. In this connection in the advanced countries of the world the development of the priority national projects in these areas have begun. Certainly, there is some risk at an investment of means in these newest technologies, as they do not guarantee momentary feedback, but there is larger risk of backlog in world race of development of technologies from a unsufficient investment of means in these branches of a science.
In it the example of the Soviet Union is convincing enough, when during government Hrushev the cybernetics was announced a false science. The result it is indisputable leader situation of America in the "know-how" of computers. Now Russia hopelessly has lagged behind and this direction and most likely for ever. She is compelled to buy another's technologies and by that to finance scientific development of the advanced countries in this area, and by that the even greater backlog is provoked in the field of computer technologies.
Now at us the unique chance has appeared at development of technologies of quantum medicine if not to overtake to borrow a high place among the advanced countries.
In modern medicine the scientists now have begun to give the large attention to development not a medicine of methods of treatment. An essential direction in this area is the development of so-called quantum medicine.
As a result of long-term researches energy wave of influence on alive организмы the scientists came to a conclusion many pathological infringements and illnesses are a consequence of infringement of synchronization of an exchange of substances and power exchange. Arising under action of the negative factors of an environment, wrong feed and image of life the negative changes in body can be гармонизированы with the help energy information of therapy.
Energy information the therapy consists in weak and superweak influence by devices of quantum medicine on molecular, клеточном, fabric and system levels of organization alive организмов, as characteristic property of biological objects is the radiation and perception energy information of waves in conditions of contact организма with set external energy information of fields.
The correction pathology at diseases is carried out by influence on болевые of a zone and point acupuncture low intensive energy information by pulses, излучаемыми by devices of quantum medicine.
As have shown modern researches very strong effect is reached at зарядке of water by devices of quantum medicine, as water powerfully absorbs power influence and changes the structure therefore given kind of correction pathology at diseases is very effective and completely harmless.
Such correction pathology at various sorts diseases as against медикаментозного of treatment does not give immediate result, but at regular application gives proof result and there are no by-effects.
The family of devices of quantum medicine under the name a Pyramid - Water as is impossible answers to these requirements better.
Particularly effectively our invention at treatment гипертонической disease (or primary arterial, essential to hypertensions).
Дата добавления: 2015-09-27 | Просмотры: 493 | Нарушение авторских прав