Medical Applications of the Pyramid
Pyramid of Water (1 st stage, tap water) was operated in the center of Aratta is about 1 year in an experimental mode. Pyramid tested about 100 people who are in different states of health, of different age and sex. First in the Pyramid includes the developers of the pyramid Utkin Y. and Krutov SV After the first satisfactory experimental phase began pilot testing with the assistance of volunteers, free of charge.
As a result of the pilot testing of the Pyramid, it was established that:
1. Sensations in patients vary significantly from one another. Moreover, to separate feelings of men and women, children and adults. The usual time spent in the Pyramid up to 10 minutes. For children is much less of 5 minutes. It has been experimentally determined that the water flow should not be strong enough soft "laminar" flow.
2. The patient should be in the Pyramid on its geometric center, sit in a chair facing north, hands on knees. One of the faces of the pyramid should be set to the North. Near the faces of the pyramid should be based on a compass to determine the North direction of the inclusion of the Pyramid.
3. In the process of energy flow within the Pyramids, the geometry of the shape of this energy flow is divergent spiral right from the top of the Pyramid at the feet of the patient (right-hand traffic in our world). The energy flow of pyramids in contact with the energy flow of the patient, sitting inside a pyramid. As a result of contact between two energy flow Energy patient loses about 20% of its capacity due to dumping of pathogenic energy. The energy of the patient is redistributed over all the energy meridians of the hands, feet and chakras of the body, so that the result is the harmonization of energy for all human organs.
4. In order to monitor the status of the patient's recommended the patient undergo diagnostic power before and after being in the Pyramid. In this case, the patient receives the document (printout) of all 12 bodies, and the printout shows the state is not simply a body with the numerical value of energy, a more accurate state of the organ, consisting of two halves. This is important for a better diagnosis of the organism.
5. During the trial operation of the Pyramid has been identified the need to identify blood in blood pressure patient before and after the Pyramids. Now it is a mandatory attribute of the technology pyramid with any patient (see Fig. 7).
Statistics work with patients has shown that if the input Pyramids patient had pressure of 180 mm., Then after 10 minutes. Finding the pressure in a pyramid patient was 140 mm. What is very encouraging and requires further research.
Fig. 7. Gauging blood arterial of pressure of the patient before medical influence of a pyramid.
Дата добавления: 2015-09-27 | Просмотры: 538 | Нарушение авторских прав