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The device is a pyramid-water

  3. INTERACTION OF PRIMARY AND DERIVATIVE LOGICAL MEANINGS Stylistic Devices Based on Polysemantic Effect, Zeugma and Pun
  4. Stylistic Devices Based on Polysemantic Effect, Zeugma and Pun


Fig. 3. show the 8-sided pyramid (the pyramid phantom eighth level) without cheating of water hoses.




Fig. 3. A pyramid on 8 sides.

Pyramid - water differs from the usual pyramid that:

1. Conventional pyramid has 4 sides and create not controlled flows of energy, which corresponds to the old Earth 4-7,8 Hz. This frequency was stable on the Earth for another 50 years or even 2000 years ago. Our pyramid has 8 faces, which corresponds to the Earth (Schumann frequency) equal to 11, 12, 13 Hz. This corresponds to a new cycle of time after 2003, during the period in 2160 children.

2. Conventional pyramid begins to work only after it "include", that is one of the faces will expose to the north. Our pyramid begins to work in the mode of combining the energy flows as a stream of Earth, after the show one of the faces of the compass toward the North, and after the flood waters will flow to 12 water coils, spiral tubing, which wind on the frame of the pyramid on the number of 12 chakras of the person (see Fig. 4).

The pyramid differs by the presence of water-driven influences on the energy body of the person (patient). At the first stage of the pyramid is connected to the normal water supply and is regulated by valves controlled by hand, as the rate of water movement, and in time to find a man inside the pyramid.



Fig. 4. The pyramid has 12 coils from spirals of water



3. Geometrically at the bottom of the pyramid consists of a circle with a diameter of 2 meters, divided into 8 equal sectors (faces). The height of the pyramid = 1 m 70 cm height whole is divided into 9 equal turns of the spiral coil of the spiral and 3 on the floor of the pyramid. The thickness of the tube = 20 mm. The total length of hose is 60 m.

4. Scientific novelty of the pyramid is the use of computer technology for the diagnosis of the patient, both the health of his body, and the health of his soul. It is assumed that the energy of the soul (outside the body) is associated with each of the 60 trillion cells of the human body, and soul, "leading" - it controls the body, through changes in the information structure of human DNA.

By controlling the energy of the soul, we can manage the human health.


Дата добавления: 2015-09-27 | Просмотры: 486 | Нарушение авторских прав

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