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What is water

  1. Engineer, to navigate, loading, to discharge, board, to stow, water.
  2. The device is a pyramid-water
  3. Using a light torsion oscillator (pistol) for charging water color torsion twisted fields
  4. Водонепроницаемая навесная дверь с клиновыми задрайками и тягами Watertight hinged door with wedge dogs and pull rods
  6. Саундтрек к главе: Mika – Underwater, Imagine Dragons – Bleeding Out

Water - the basis of all life on earth. It is the main part of the hydrosphere, in the form of water vapor contained in the air, determine the geologic processes on Earth. With water connected all the diversity of life on Earth. She, as well as food and air, it is necessary to every living creature.




Fig. 1 A crystal the molecule of water


The molecule of water forms a crystal, which has a zero point formedon crossing of lines of gold section.

At activization of a zero point it is left with energy this process refers to as threangulatnion of water.

Besides water has memory. This property of water use at charge her. In particular christening water does not spoil on a lot of years.

Water is present in every cell of the body: the bones and hair - up to 20% in the nerves, kidneys and muscles - 75%, blood - 83% of total body weight. With a total weight of 80 kg of water is 40 liters, of which 25 liters - 15 liters and intracellular - extracellular fluid.

The main functions of water in the human body are:

- Adjusts the heat of the body with the external environment;

- Ensuring the circulation of nutrients and oxygen, and their uptake by cells and processed into energy;

- Removal of toxins and metabolic waste products through the excretory system.

Loss of moisture for the body is more dangerous than starvation, as this rapidly deteriorating metabolism, which threatens the life processes. Without food a person can live more than a month without water, he dies within a few days. Thirst in humans occurs at a loss of 2% water of total body weight loss of 6-8% leads to a faint and dizzy, 10-15% of hallucinations and disturbance of the swallowing reflex, 15-20% - is life threatening.

As a universal natural solvent, water can easily react with almost any object or substance, becoming at the same time in a complex chemical or colloidal solution.

Therefore it is not in vain for hundreds of years of drinking water quality explain both good and bad health and wellbeing of people. The famous scholar and chemist Louis Pasteur said: "80% of the diseases we drink." There is much to ponder.

According to current statistics, among people over 30 years, there are no absolutely healthy person. Depression, chronic fatigue have become a real scourge of this present life. Modern and traditional and alternative medicine offers a wealth of drug and other treatments that need to drink or cook with water.

However, it is proved that the effectiveness of treatment in the application of water from the tap is reduced to at least double and sometimes even reduced to zero.

Дата добавления: 2015-09-27 | Просмотры: 573 | Нарушение авторских прав

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