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Without saline diet

  1. Read the text “Junction Transistors” only once. How much can you remember? Answer these questions without additional reading.
  2. Translate the following international words without a dictionary.

One more the most most important measure of the fight with hypertensions by disease, available sick - a constant restriction or that still better, full exception from ration salty food. This much it is important for normalization of the arterial pressure, anyway - for prevention of the furtherits increasing. The Deal here in that that chronic increasing of the arterial pressure depends in the first place from reduced abilities bud to remove from organism clorous hydrogen sodium (i.e. cookery salt). And exactly in bud concentrated that structures, which under determined condition promote firm increasing of the arterial pressure.

Than less in organism of the salts, that easier, quicker bud will be able its remove. Besides, restriction amount sodium-vapor salts in ration helps to avoid water disharmony, which always is due to salty. But after all volume increases at delay of water circulation of the blood that, under raised pressure, causes the additional voltage a container. The Delay of water in organism causes and problems with overweights. Meantime realistically known that excessive weight enlarges the risk of the development to hypertensions. Herewith sometimes person, suffering hypertension, it is enough to dispose of excessive weight that arterial pressure came to rate without use medicinal preparation even. So occurs therefore that with disappearance fatty fabrics disappears and unnecessary more furcated network the most small container, developed in fatty fabrics on measure of its growing.

To finish the subjects of the feeding at hypertensions disease, shall do else several remarks. Regrettably, at our time with his(its) high rate to lifes little there is possibility beside who to eat each day it is correct and full-fledged, at least "at the table, rather then for pole". And all it is impossible forget about that that food not only satisfies hunger, but also supplies the organism by nutrients. Signifies, sound food - that, where these material much. The Vegetables and fruits, verdure, and croups without fall must be in daily menu. But here is without shortening, fat meat foods, smoked products and saltings, excess sugar and alcohol wholly possible to dispense.

The Ithaca, we see, as much sick hypertensions itself by disease can do for eliminating symptom diseases. Effectiveness such " without medicinal " treatments arterial hypertensions is proved by perennial observations for group sick hypertension. Beside majority of them, under neat execution all recommendation for feeding, without saline diet and motor activity, for year has fallen off need in using medicinal preparation, but pressure came to rate. So is it at present recognized expedient to begin the treatment arterial hypertensions (the hypertensions disease) not with purposes medicine, but with recommendation sick for change lifestyle and systems of the feeding.

Дата добавления: 2015-09-27 | Просмотры: 452 | Нарушение авторских прав

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