Responsible for:
· To carry out the project duties as described in the project description and agreed with the authorised representatives of the HO and the project leader
· To contribute her time, energy and enthusiasm towards the aims and objectives of the project activities and the HO.
· To be flexible and to accept openly and with understanding all indispensable changes in the time table (if any).
· To follow the safety requirements, rules and techniques.
· To attend EVS training and meetings with partners and with the Bulgarian NA
· To be loyal and co-operative to the HO
· To follow the Codex of good relationships between the Volunteer and the HO
· To prepare duly all needed reports, questionnaires and other evaluation documents, concerning the project
· To keep and to render to the authorised person from the HO all the original tickets, boarding passes, invoices etc. concerning his/her travel from his/her home to Sofia shortly after his/her arrival in Bulgaria. Same refers to the invoices and other original financial documents concerning visa (if any) and vaccination issues (if any).
· To keep and to render on due time all the original financial documents concerning the project and the activities (tickets and transportation cards for the local transport, invoices, declarations, receipts etc.) to the authorised person from the HO
· To keep and to render to the authorised person from the SO all the original tickets, boarding passes, invoices etc. concerning his/her travel from Sofia back right after her project finish.
· To contribute the amount equal to 10 % of her International travel costs.
Дата добавления: 2015-09-27 | Просмотры: 387 | Нарушение авторских прав