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  1. An external characteristic in per unit values
  2. Text D. What are young people doing at Christmas ?
  3. Young people from Georgia, Ukraine, Sweden, Spain, Croatia and Estonia.

EVS project for activities in the sphere of Theatre and Civic Society


ART VOLUME is a group EVS project, fulfilling activities in the field of Theatre (and its related Arts) and civic society development with the participation of two volunteers (Hungary, Ukraine) for the period of eleven months. According to their personal interest and initiative, the Volunteers will be bound up mainly in creative, technical and subsidiary activities, related to the theatrical, educational and art projects of FIRE theatre-art-culture FOUNDATION during 2013. This will be cultural, educational and social actions and initiatives using the Art as instrument for social expression and impact, communication, personal realisation and social rapprochement. Non-formal educational methods, based mostly on group creativity and games will be used as general. The education will be mainly practical. The HO will provoke at the most and strive for the self-initiative and the creativity of the participants and the intercultural dialogue. The activities will be realized in Sofia and its suburbs mainly. Some short trips in other settlements and rural regions of the country are also planned.

Project details:

The volunteer will work in FIRE theatre-art-culture FOUNDATION as a member of international team (in small or bigger groups) in the field of Theatre and fulfilling various theatrical & cultural projects, initiatives and campaigns aiming cultural & social impact on the local community. The target group of these projects & events is multifarious and different as age, a social status, educational level, residence etc. They could be typified as: promoting culture values & citizenship; educating and promoting positive approach and joy in life; stimulating through the Art the creativity and the initiative of the young Bulgarians; motivating the youngsters for the active participation in the cultural and social life; creating positive and friendly urban environment, bringing smile on people faces; popularising & increasing the knowledge about the sustainable development issues, European and/or Bulgarian art, culture traditions, etc.


Being part of FF’s Team, the Volunteer will be able to participate actively into “the every day’s live” of the Fest Studio and FIRE THEATRE i.e. in the organization, preparation & realization of different theatre & art events for children; youth; adults and family audience; indoor as well as outdoor – and everything connected with it.

THE MAJOR/PRIMARY ACTIVITIES of the Volunteer will be the following:


1. Participation in preparation, creation and realization of theatrical (mainly non-verbal) production i.e. help in the process of realization of various theatrical projects & art-events. Central activity for the project, duration: during the entire project.

2. Participation in the overall work, rehearsals and public events of the FEST STUDIO – a laboratory for outdoor theatre, site-specific theatre and carnival. Key-activity for the project. Duration: during the entire project.


There will be some ADDITIONAL non-theatrical ACTIVITIES as well:


1. Popularisation & promotion of EVS and YiA Programme of EC, FF and its activities. Key-activity for the project. Duration: during the entire project

2. Help on designing, organising and realizing the international youth cultural exchange(s) and various initiatives of the Foundation concerning the sustainable development issues and other current topics (if any).

3. Help on maintaining and developing the necessary equipment (costumes, requisites, stage, light, sound, multimedia etc. equipment). Duration: during the entire project.

4. Help on office, administrative and organisational work. Duration: during the entire project.

5. Activities aiming to get the volunteers more familiar with Bulgaria and Bulgarian culture & language as well as to present their own culture to the Bulgarians and to the other volunteers. Duration: during the entire project. In the beginning of the project all the volunteers will take part in intensive course of Bulgarian language, leaded by the professional pedagogue (expert in teaching foreigners).

6. Taking part in trainings, evaluation activities etc.

7. Activities for documentation, popularization and dissemination of the results of the project and FF activities.


Main part of the EVS activities during the project will be realized in Sofia - the capital city of Bulgaria, where FIRE theatre–art–culture FOUNDATION is residing. The project will include also short trips & activities in the country of Bulgaria.


Depending on the concrete activity as well as on the will and enterprise of the Volunteer during her EVS project, he will have the opportunity to act as assistant (creative, administrative and/or technical); co-ordinator; workshop/team leader, tutor or/and moderator; practitioner in art-workshops (theatrical costumes, masks, requisites, scenography etc.); stage performer; promoter etc.


Possible tasks of the Volunteer:

According to the particular needs in Fire Foundation and based on the concrete activeness and the personal will and enterprise of the Volunteer his work will/could include:


1. Help during the creation, organisation and realization of the various theatrical & art-events i.e. help in:

ü Designing the concepts and creating the scenarios (as a part of the creative team)

ü Preparation & making of the costumes, scenery (décor), props and decorations (as a part of the creative & support team)

ü Light & special effects, sound & technical support (as a part of the creative & support team)

ü Creating the multimedia presentations and movies (as a part of the creative team)

ü Performing (as a part of the cast). This includes also the necessary rehearsals, transportation, stage and sound setting etc.

ü Designing the overall conception for promoting, distributing and realization of the performance (as a part of the promoting and organising team)

ü Registering (photo, video) of the particular performances, events, rehearsals and overall work process

ü Creating and maintaining the online promotional instruments (blog, page in Facebook etc.); posting promotional videos in Youtube; contacting groups of fens and maintaining the correspondence concerning the production (PR).

ü Finding new possibilities for realization of the production (searching for proper festivals, forums, audiences)

ü Overall organisation of the particular performances of the production

2. Assistance in running the theatrical laboratories and youth theatre studios of FF such as FEST STUDIO (a laboratory for outdoor theatre, site-specific theatre and carnival) – if in the program

3. Assistance in running the long term projects of FF such as MIME JAM (Evenings of Mime Art and it’s friends); THEATRE IN HOSPITAL (monthly performances in hospital for children and youth with cancer), TASTE AND VALUES Programme – theatre-educational kindergarten project, 20 YEARS FIRE THEATRE ANIVERSARY EVENTS etc.

4. Help in providing leisure time and life long learning activities (workshops, art classes, trainings, seminars, trips & researches, open-air summer carnival laboratory etc.) as well as at realizing of theatre, carnival and art-workshops during the international youth cultural exchange(s) hosted by the Foundation – if in the program.

5. Administrative and organizational tasks in the Organisation. Help in building up, developing and order the overall equipment of FIRE theatre-art-culture FOUNDATION (technical equipment, costumes, properties, materials and documentation etc.)

6. Popularization the results of the FIRE theatre-art-culture FOUNDATION’s activities and projects (blogs, web-site etc.); photo, video & multimedia presentations; PR materials and info-materials for the public media etc.

7. Attendance at the meetings with other EVS volunteers and providing meetings with the Bulgarian youngsters (both members and not-members of FIRE theatre-art-culture FOUNDATION)

8. Attendance and realizing of public events aimed to popularize and promote “YOUTH IN ACTION” Programme of EU and EVS among the Bulgarian youngsters

The Volunteer has the right to initiate his own project and propose (by submitting written concept, plan etc.) to the project leader. This project has to be beneficial simultaneously for the Volunteer, for the HO and for the local society. It has to correspond to the concept, values, particular aims and programme of the HO. Expenditure required for the realisation of this project has to conform to the financial plan of the HO and the project. The volunteer can dedicate to this project 10% of his/her working time. The work on the project has to be conformed to the overall working schedule of the HO and may not obstruct the other activities/tasks of the Volunteer. The project can be fulfilled only after the approval of the project leader and inserting into the general activity plan of the HO. The Volunteer will be supported in all phases of his/her work on this project, but the activity and initiative have to come from him/her. The volunteer has to prepare report for the project.

Working hours and days off:

Ø Five (5) days per week, thirty five (35) hours a week (lunch break is not included), maximum eight (8) hours a day. If there is necessity of breaking of this rule because of need of the schedule (rehearsals, ateliers & workshops, performances), this will happened with the consent of the volunteer and will be compensated with free time after

Ø Two (2) consecutive days off per week and two (2) days holiday per month for the duration of the project (which can be taken also as a whole, considering the activity schedule of FIRE theatre-art-culture FOUNDATION and the low in Bulgaria). If there is necessity of breaking of this rule because of need of the schedule (rehearsals, ateliers & workshops, performances), this will happened with the consent of the volunteer and will be compensated with free time after


According to the competences and particular tasks of the volunteers, their timetable will be adapted to their activities, their motivation & skills; to the actions he/she will choose to develop; their missions can be also on week-ends or evenings, depending on the activities. Usually weekly holidays in FF will be Friday and Saturday. The project and timetable of the Volunteer can be changed, according to the main program, rehearsals and performances in FF.



The Volunteer will share a room per 2 persons in a furnished apartment, located in down-town area of Sofia. He can use also a kitchen & shower-room. Room mate of the volunteer will be another volunteer doing EVS in the same HO. Small part of the apartment is used by Fire Foundation as depot for theatrical costumes and/or requisite. The volunteers have to take care for the hygiene and order in the apartment and keep the place nice and pleasant for everyone who is using it.



Provided food allowance for one person is 125 EUR monthly. This amount will be paid in EUR or BGN (in this case the amount will be calculated on the basis of the official fixed exchange rate 1 EUR = 1.9558 BGN) to the Volunteer regularly every month on the pre-defined date. The Volunteer will have the possibility to cook in the kitchen of the house.

While travelling for activities (festivals, exchanges, workshops in other cities etc.) the whole group from Fire Foundation will have meals together in restaurants etc. The money for these expenses will be taken from the total amount for food for the same month (125 EUR). If the particular expense exceeds the amount provided to the volunteer for food per day – 4.17 EUR (125 EUR: 30 days) - the difference will be covered by FF.


Local Transport:

Fire Foundation will take care about the local transport expenses (connected with the activities of the volunteer)



The volunteer will be provided with a Bulgarian mobile phone card which will allow her to communicate with the HO, NA, the mentor(s), her colleagues and friends. The HO will cover (pay for the) regular monthly taxes which will give the Volunteer the possibility to speak free with the other volunteers, supervisor, mentor and the leader of the project. There will be also some free minutes for telephone conversation included. The Volunteer will have to cover (pay for the) rest of the bill (private conversations etc.).


Volunteer Allowance:

The volunteer will receive a monthly allowance of 65 EURO. The amount can be given in EUR or BGN (calculated on the basis of the official fixed exchange rate 1 EUR = 1.9558 BGN).The payment will be fulfilled on the pre-defined dates every month.


Expected learning outcomes:

Дата добавления: 2015-09-27 | Просмотры: 597 | Нарушение авторских прав

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