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Here is an example of the review of a book.

  1. Analyse the following examples and translate them.
  2. Change the complex sentences given below according to the examples and translate them into Russian.
  3. Опциональный инфракрасный адаптер, совместимый с IrDA, дает возможность быстрой и легкой работы без кабеля, например, с компьютерами Notebook.

By the analysis of different theories, following a similar outline for each of them, this book permits a critical reflection on these questions. It also aims at making the current research in which these theories are presented more accessible for the reader. Moreover, this research, by considering issues on (the dynamics of the processing of information, its contextualisation, and the fundamental cognitive abilities of the speaker,) is also in line with broader issues concerning, for instance, different domains of (computer science or also cognitive) sciences. The different theories dealt with are …


4. Study the examples below for ideas on what to include in a book review. Give the reasons why you think the books might be useful for readers Economic Concepts for the Social Sciences This book presents some of the key economic concepts that have guided economic thinking in the last century and identifies which concepts will continue to direct economic thought in the coming decades. It is written in an accessible manner and is intended for a wide audience with little or no formal training in economics.This treatment will interest economists who want to reflect on the direction of the discipline and to learn about achievements in other subfields. The author imparts his enthusiasm for the economic way of reasoning and its wide applicability. Through the abundant use of illustrations and examples, he makes concepts understandable and relevant. Topics include game theory, market failures, asymmetric information, endogenous growth theory, general equilibrium, rational expectations, and the new institutional economics.This book is solid gold. Clearly, cogently, and cleverly introducing the structure of economic analysis without mathematics, Sandler presents a challenging and comprehensive guide to how to think about the general problems that we face in the broad realm of politics, economics, and policy. This book is a definite treasure for students in politics, sociology, and economics. Michael D. Ward, University of Washington In a highly readable book, Todd Sandler once again demonstrates his talent for innovative economics. Far from being content to supply new answers to established questions, he raises suite after suite of new questions. Stimulating and provocative from first page to last. Norman Myers, University of Oxford In this insightful volume Todd Sandler conveys to the general reader, first, what economics has to tell us about many issues of continuing practical importance.In addition, by explaining cutting-edge developments such as game theory, public choice models, and the experimental method, the author succeeds in giving a good overview of how economists can come to valid conclusions. Jack Hirshleifer, University of California, Los Angeles

Дата добавления: 2015-09-27 | Просмотры: 704 | Нарушение авторских прав

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