Molar and Ectopic Pregnancy
*Hydatidiform mole:
.Commoner in women of blood group A married to blood O men
.Group AB women have the worst prognosis
.Are commoner in older gravida
.Are complicated by ovarian cyst
.Can be diagnosed by U/S
.Uterine size is larger than dates
.Bilateral ovarian cysts (Lutein cysts) is common
.Aggravated morning sickness
.Treatment is by suction, curettage regardless of the size of the uterus
*The complications of hydatiform mole include all the following except:
.Perforation of the uterus
*Ectopic pregnancy (etiological factors of ectopic pregnancy):
.It is a pregnancy that implants outside the uterus
.The most common site of implantation is the Ampulla
.It may occur in the cervix
.Previous infection is a major cause
.There is an increase incidence among IUCD users
.Shoulder pain is an important symptom
.Delayed passage of the fertilized ovum down the tube
.Progesterone pills for contraception
*The most important symptom of ectopic pregnancy is (pain)
*Vaginal bleeding in ectopic pregnancy is due to (Hormone withdrawal)
*Features suggest a diagnosis of ectopic pregnancy:
.Amenorrhea of 6-10 weeks
.Acute abdomen
.Decidual tissue at curettage
.Vaginal bleeding
.Endometrium has always secretory changes
.Fainting attacks
*Ectopic pregnancy is confirmed by (Laparoscopy)
*Chorionic villi at D&C pathology specimen can be a definite diagnosis of intrauterine pregnancy to rule out ectopic pregnancy
*Differential diagnoses of ectopic pregnancy:
.Acute salpingitis
.Acute appendicitis
.Acute red degeneration of fibroid
.Rupture (ovarian-corpus luteum) cyst
.Uterine abortion
.Torsion of fallopian tube
*A woman with a past history of three incidents of pelvic inflammatory disease is at greater risk for ectopic pregnancy
Дата добавления: 2015-09-27 | Просмотры: 376 | Нарушение авторских прав