Placenta Previa
*placenta previa:
.Causes painless vaginal bleeding
.Vaginal examination is contraindicated
.Is managed by caesarian section if covering the cervical os
.Predisposes to postpartum hemorrhage
*associated with placenta previa:
.Sudden onset of fresh bleeding
.Abnormal presentation
.Unengaged head
.Soft abdomen
Abruptio Placenta
*Abruptio placenta:
.It is a premature separation of normally implanted placenta
.The uterus is tender
.In severe cases a central venous pressure line should be inserted
.The management of choice is termination of pregnancy
*Abruptio placenta can be secondary to:
.Hypertensive disorders
.Following delivery of first twin
.In severe car accident
.External cephalic version
* In abruptio placenta,may occur:
.Vaginal bleeding
.Fetal distress
*The most common complication of abruptio placenta is (Post partum hemorrhage PPH)
*Complications of placental abruption:
.Renal cortical necrosis
.DIC (Disseminated Intravascular Coagulopathy)
.Intrauterine growth retardation
*The most consistent factor predisposing to abruption placenta is (Maternal hypertension)
*Treatment for severe placental abruption at term with 3cm dilated cervix is (Urgent CS)
Дата добавления: 2015-09-27 | Просмотры: 373 | Нарушение авторских прав