Labor and Delivery
*Progress of labor is assessed by (Dilatation of cervix)
*Types of analgesia are used during first stage of labor:
.Epidural analgesia
.Cervical block
.Inhalation analgesia
*Indications of epidural anesthesia:
.Ante-partum hemorrhage
.Pulmonary disorders
.Premature delivery
*The normal fetal heart rate in labor is (120-160 beats per minute)
*Causes fetal hypoxia:
.Maternal hypotension
.Uterine hyperactivity
.Occlusion of umbilical cord
.Placental insufficiency
*Causes premature delivery:
.Abruptio placenta
.Chronic hypertensive vascular disease
.Placenta previa
.Hyperemesis gravidarum
.First-trimester bleeding
.Multiple gestation
*Tests can be used for the diagnosis of premature rupture of membranes:
.Nitrazine test
.Ferning test
.Nile blue sulfate
.Evans blue test
*Premature ruptures of membranes risks include:
.Premature labor
.Cord prolapse
.Fetal pneumonia
.Maternal septicemia
*Prolapsed umbilical cord may occur in:
.Transverse lie
.Breech presentation
+Best managed (C/S)
*The commonest predisposing factor of rupture of uterus is (Previous CS)
*Uterine rupture may be associated with:
.Previous cesarean section
.Administration of oxytocin or prostaglandins
.Difficult forceps delivery or intrauterine manipulation
*The most constant early symptom in uterine rupture during labor is pain
*The first sign of rupture uterus is Abdominal pain
Дата добавления: 2015-09-27 | Просмотры: 370 | Нарушение авторских прав