Growth Discrepancies
*All of this maternal factors are associated with IUGR:
.Poor nutrition with anemia
.Heavy smoking
.Alcohol consumption
*With fetal macrosomia all of the following complications are increased:
.Fetal asphyxia
.Brachial plexus injury
.Post partum hemorrhage
.Neonatal hypoglycemia
*Cause polyhydramnios:
.Diabetes mellitus
.Multiple pregnancy
.Anencephalic fetus
.Fetal esophageal atresia
*Polyhydramnios could be associated with:
.Esophageal atresia
.Duodenal atresia
.Illeal atresia
* All this anomalies are associated with severe maternal oligohydramnios:
.Potter's syndrome
.Dysplastic kidneys
.Pulmonary hypoplasia
.Musculoskeletal abnormalities
.Renal agenesis
.Urethral atresia
.Amnion nodosum
*Types of pelvis is:
.Anthropoid pelvis
.Android pelvis
.Platypelloid pelvis
.Gynecoid pelvis (M.C in young women)
.Rachitic pelvis
*The posterior fontanel is defined (The area lies between the sagittal suture and the lambdoid suture)
*The longest anterio-posterior diameter of the fetal head is (Mento-vertical diameter)
*The most like measurement of the BPD (biparietal diameter) of the head is (9.5 cm)
*Engagement of the fetal head refers to the relationship between (Biparietal diameter and pelvic brim)
*In primigravida at full-term in labor, the most common position of the head is LOA (left occiput anterior)
*Cephalohematoma is most commonly found over the Parietal bone
*This is absolute indication for cesarean section (Brow presentation)
*The most common cause of breech presentation is Prematurity
* Breech presentation is associated with:
*Breech presentation diagnosed-is best managed by (External cephalic version)
Дата добавления: 2015-09-27 | Просмотры: 369 | Нарушение авторских прав