Vocabulary and Speech Exercises. I. Read the following transcriptions
I. Read the following transcriptions. Write them in words and give their Ukrainian equivalents.
['xgqTq 'krIstI], [pe'lE:], ['mxrIlIn 'mqn'rqV], [er'kjHl pwar'qV], ["mIs'mRpl], ['lAndqn], [DI"LrI'ent(q)l Iks'pres], ['ten 'lItl 'nJgrqVz], [Dq'bE:trqm hqV'tel], [Dq'kLps"InDq'laIbr(q)rI].
II. Give English equivalents of the following words and word-combinations.
Захоплюватися читанням; відомі люди; сучасники; формувати характер; цінувати; зарубіжна література; сценарій; детективи високого класу; символ футболу; стати відомим якимсь дивом; освіта; медсестра; військовий шпиталь; “королева детективу”; шумний Лондон; затишне село; скоїти вбивство; замкнутий простір; пасажири літака, потяга; несподіване місце; тропічна риба; отрута; смерть.
III. Substitute the words in bold type by a word or a combination of words from the text.
1. As a rule I take books from the library, but I have many of them at home, too.
2. The name of Agatha Christie is a synonym for high-quality detective story.
3. Unexpectedly Agatha Christie became well-known as if by wonder.
4. Having lost her father at a young age, the future author didn’t receive schooling.
5. Killings in the books of Agatha Christie are committed in the most unpredicted places.
6. Agatha Christie’s books are well-liked now.
IV. Read the following information about Agatha Christie. Complete the sentences by choosing appropriate prepositions from those in the brackets.
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