Vocabulary and Speech Exercises
I. Read the following transcriptions. Write them in words and give their Ukrainian equivalents.
['CRns], [TrV'aVt], ["benI'fISql], [P'gxnIkqlI], ["kPmpq'tISqn], ['dZPgIN], [brJD], [tSJf], [Fq'rqVbIks], ['feIv(q)rqbl], [In'taIq], ['naVqdeIz], ['enqdZI], ['deInGqrqs], ['CIqfVl], [qd'vRntIG], [GIm], [eq].
II. Give English equivalents for the following words and word-combinations.
Крок; збільшити шанси; дихати; свіже повітря; проводити час на свіжому повітрі; прогулянка; здорове харчування; шкідлива звичка; дух і тіло; стан зневоднення; відвідування басейну та спортзалу; переїдати; зайва вага; головна перевага; зробити звичкою; сьогодення; вести здоровий спосіб життя.
III. Substitute the words in bold type by a word or word-combinations from the text.
1. Daily system of activities is important to ourhealth.
2. Sufficient sleeping hours, established meals, particular time for job and relax are advantageous to good health.
3. Stuffing with food causes many life-threatening illnesses.
4. Dietarians consider consuming water will help you feel finer.
5. Your organism should control your habits, not the other way round.
6. Exercising is popular among teenagers and elderly people.
7. A lot of people spend most of their lives in a building.
8. People at present are more health-concerned.
IV. There are many proverbs, concerning a healthy way of life, read some of them doing the following tasks.
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