АкушерствоАнатомияАнестезиологияВакцинопрофилактикаВалеологияВетеринарияГигиенаЗаболеванияИммунологияКардиологияНеврологияНефрологияОнкологияОториноларингологияОфтальмологияПаразитологияПедиатрияПервая помощьПсихиатрияПульмонологияРеанимацияРевматологияСтоматологияТерапияТоксикологияТравматологияУрологияФармакологияФармацевтикаФизиотерапияФтизиатрияХирургияЭндокринологияЭпидемиология

Read and learn the following words and their equivalents

  1. Computer supported learning.
  2. Ex. 5. a) Comment on the meaning of the words underlined. Translate them.
  3. Ex.1. Study the following definitions. Make sure you understand them and can reproduce from memory.
  4. Ex.l. Study the following definitions. Make sure you understand them and can reproduce from memory.
  5. Exercise 10 learn and retell the text.
  6. Exercise 15. Translate the following sentences. Pay attention to the translation of the verbs in Passive Voice.
  7. Exercise 9. Learn and retell the text.
  8. Fill in the table with appropriate translation of the words and terms.
  9. I. New words and combination of words.
  10. I. New words and combination of words.


The brain is that part of the CNS located within the cranial vault. The major regions of the adult brain are the cerebrum, the thalamus and hypothalamus, midbrain, pons, medulla oblongata, and cerebellum. The brain works to analyze bits of information before transmitting these messages throughout the body. These messages affect functions such as coordination, learning, memory, emotion, and thought.

The brain is composed of approximately 100 billion neurons, their connections, and supporting cells, which add up tо approximately 3 pounds of t issue. This dense network of interconnected neurons is organized to convey all the control signals necessary for individual activities.

The brain is connected to the spinal cord by the brain stem, which is composed of the medulla, he pons, and midbrain. The brain stem controls many of the vital functions, such as breathing and circulation of blood. Cranial nerves exit from the brain stem to control muscles of the face, eyes, tongue, ears, and throat. They also convey sensations from these parts back to the brain.

The cerebrum consists of thick masses of nerve t issue. It i s divided into two sides cerebral hemispheres). Conscious functions such as speech, memory, and vision are controlled in the cerebral hemispheres. Specific areas within theses hemispheres are responsible for certain functions, such as speech and the control of muscles in particular parts of the body. In general, control of the muscles of the right side of the body is in the left hemisphere of the brain, and muscles of the left side of the body are controlled by the right hemisphere of the brain. The linking of higher brain functions with cerebral areas is a very active field of research.

The other major portion of the brain, the cerebellum, is located beneath the cerebral hemispheres. It helps control the coordination. At the core of the brain, atop the brain stem, there are other key areas, including thalamus and hypothalamus. The hypothalamus is an endocrine regulatory center that affects sleep and appetite. The thalamus is a collection of nerve cells whose function is the integration and transmission of many of the sensations. In addition, the centers under the cortex play critical roles in relaying messages between different areas of the brain.


Translate the following words and word-combinations into English:

Полушарие; ядро; соответствовать; средний мозг; кора головного мозга; продолговатый мозг; передавать; стволовая часть мозга; сознательный; связь; поверх, над; передавать, транслировать; свод черепа; мост; небольшое количество; мозжечок; оказывать влияние; большой мозг; головной мозг; центральная нервная система; главные участки; тонкая сеть; эмоция и мысль; набор нервных клеток; передача ощущений; поле для исследований; нервная ткань.



Read and learn the following words and their equivalents.

Autonomic автономний

Central центральний

Peripheral периферичний

Sympathetic симпатичний

Parasympathetic парасимпатичний

Spinal cord спинний мозок

Arc дуга

Reflex рефлекс

Neuritis враження периферичного нерва, неврит

Herpes zoster оперізуючий лишай

Poliomyelitis поліомієліт

Crisis криза

Posterior задній

Anterior передній

Paraplegia повна відсутність довільних рухів, параплегія


Exercise 2. Read and translate the texts, get ready to answer the questions about:

- the location of the spinal cord;

- the structure of the spinal cord;

- die fonctions of the spinal cord;

- the reflex arc;

- die disorders of the spinal cord;

- the location of the spinal nerves;

- the branches of the spinal nerves;

- the disorders of the spinal nerves;

- the parte of the autonomic nervous system;

- the functions of the autonomic nervous system.


Text 1. Spinal Cord

The spinal cord occupies the spinal canal, but not all of it in the lower part. In adult the cord ends in the region just below the area to which the last rib attaches (between the first and the second lumbar vertebrae).

The spinal cord consists of gray matter (nerve cell bodies) and a larger area surrounding this gray part that consists of white matter (nerve fibers). The structure of the is spinal shown in Fig. 20-1.

You can see that the gray matter has the form of the letter H or a butterfly (метелика). The functions of the spinal cord may be divided into three categories:

- reflex activities;

- conduction of sensory impulses (to the brain);

- conduction of motor impulses (from the brain).

All the nervous activities are taking place through the reflex arcs. The reflex are consist of five components: the receptor, the afferent pathway, the nervous center, the efferent patway and the effector.

The diseases of the spinal cord are: poliomyelitis (an infectious disease, which commonly occurs in children; polio virus enters the body through the nose and throat; the virus destroys the motor nerve cells in the spinal cord; the preventive medicine is the oral Sabin vaccine), paraplegia (the loss sensation and motion in the lower, of the body), tumors that grow within the cord or that compress; cord from outside.


Text 2. Spinal Nerves


Look at Fig. 19-1. There are 31 pairs of spinal nerves, each numbered according to the level of spinal cord from which it arises. Each spinal nerve has small posterior divisions and rather large anterior divisions.

The larger anterior form networks called plexuses, innervate (іннервують) different parts of the body.

The three main plexuses are described as follows:

1. The cervical plexus supplies motor impulses to the muscles of the neck and receives sensory impulses from the neck and the back of the head. The phrenic nerve, which activates the diaphragm, arises from this plexus.

2. The brachial plexus sends numerous branches to the shoulder, arm, forearm, wrist and hand. The radial nerve emerges from the brachial plexus.

3. The lumbosacral plexus supplies nerves to the lower extremities. The largest of these branches is the sciatic nerve, which leaves the dorsal part of the pelvis, passes the glutaeus maximus muscle and then to the thigh, and lower leg, and foot.

The disorders of the spinal nerves are:

neuritis (inflammation of a nerve);

sciatica (kind of neuritis characterized by severe pain along the sciatic serve);

herpes zoster (known as shingles) is characterized by numerous blisters along the course of certain nerves (the cause is the chickenpox virus).



Answer the following questions:

1. Where is the brain located? 2. What are the regions of the brain? 3. What is the function of the brain? 4. What is the brain stem composed of? 5. What parts is the cerebrum divided into? 6. Where is the cerebellum? Where are thalamus and hypothalamus located?

Translate the following sentences into English:

1. Головний мозок міститься у порожнині черепа. 2. Середні маса головного мозку становить 1100-1800 г. 3. Довгастий мозок і мозковий міст частина мозкового стовбура. 4. У довгастому мозку біла речовина розташована на поверхні, а в середині міститься сіра речовина. 5. Передня а задня частина мосту утворена сірою і білою речовинами. 6. Довгастий мозок і міст виконують рефлекторну та провідну функції. 7. Мозочок розташований позаду від довгастого мозку та місту. Він складається із сірої та білої речовини. 8. На поверхні мозочка сіра речовина утворює кору мозочка.


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