Формы инфинитива. Active Passive Indefinite to ask to be asked Неперфектные (простые) формы выражают одновременность или
| Active
| Passive
| Indefinite
| to ask
| to be asked
| Неперфектные (простые) формы выражают одновременность или будущее по отношению к глаголу-сказуемому.
| Continuous
| to be asking
| to be being asked
| Perfect
| to have asked
| to have been asked
| Перфектные формы выражают предшествование по отношению к глаголу-сказуемому.
| Perfect Continuous
| to have been asking
Упр. 1. Укажите номера инфинитивов в форме Indefinite Infinitive Passive.
1) to be going
2) to have read
3) to be done
4) to have been done
5) to be operated
Упр. 2. Укажите номера инфинитивов в форме Indefinite Infinitive Active.
1) to have done
2) to be read
3) to have operated
4) to be doing
Упр. 3. Определите форму инфинитивов. Поставьте в опросном листе соответствующие цифры и буквы.
1) to be seen
2) to protect
3) to be protecting
4) to have caused
5) to be caused
6) to have been caused
a) Indefinite Infinitive Active
b) Indefinite Infinitive Passive
c) Perfect Infinitive Passive
d) Continuous Infinitive Active
e) Perfect Infinitive Active
Упр. 4. Переведите, обращая внимание на функцию инфинитива.
1) Kidneys serve to remove the wastes of the body.
2) To be administered the drug must be diluted.
3) To prevent the disease the veterinarian must vaccinate the animals.
4) To know how a plant grows you must study botany.
5) To be a veterinarian you must graduate from a veterinary institute.
6) He wants to be a veterinarian.
7) These students study to be good specialists.
8) The animals to be examined were shown to the veterinarian.
9) There was much to be done to control the disease.
10) The drug to be administered is on the table.
11) Many drugs are applied to the organ to be treated.
Упр. 5. Каким русским предложениям соответствуют следующие английские?
1) The animals to be treated are in the clinic.
2) To be treated the animals should be in the clinic.
3) The cow is to be operated on in the clinic.
4) The cow to be operated on is in the clinic.
a) Для того, чтобы вылечить животных, им необходимо быть в клинике.
b) Животные, которых необходимо вылечить, находятся в клинике.
c) Корова, которую нужно оперировать, находится в клинике.
d) Корову нужно оперировать в клинике.
Упр. 6. Переведите, обращая внимание на функцию инфинитива.
1) To determine the borders of the heart is not an easy task for a medical student.
2) It is very important to carry out this experiment.
3) To be a good veterinarian requires a basic knowledge of biology.
4) He is going to be a surgeon.
5) To be a surgeon he studies at the medical institute.
6) To be a surgeon is difficult and interesting.
7) Water has to be analyzed during epidemic.
8) We must control the disease in pets if we are to stop its spread to man.
9) Attention must be paid to the climatic condition.
10) Our task is to examine the injury.
11) This problem was to be discussed by the students.
12) This problem was discussed by the students.
Упр. 7. Прочтите и переведите предложения, обращая внимание на выделенные слова.
1) After contact with white blood cells the microbes became dead. White blood cells destroyed the microbes. to destroy – разрушать
2) Skull protects brain from injury. to protect – защищать
3) The large bones contain marrow. marrow – костный мозг
4) Blood carries oxygen to the organs. It provides the organs with oxygen. to provide – снабжать, обеспечивать
5) The bodies dilate when they are hot. to dilate – расширяться
6) The anti-influenza serum is applied against influenza.
The immune bodies of the organisms are in serum. serum – сыворотка
7) Spleen is the organ which forms the elements of blood. spleen – селезенка
8) Blood moves through the blood vessels. blood vessels – кровеносные сосуды
9) Blood contains great amount of leucocytes.
Skull consists of a large amount of bones. amount – количество
10) The digestive and respiratory systems are inside the body. They are called internal systems.
internal – внутренний
11) After the injection of the drug the condition of the sick animal improved markedly. markedly – заметно
12) The function of the heart is to pump blood. to pump – качать
13) Food is essential for the existence of living organisms. essential – необходимый
14) The system of blood vessels through which the blood moves is called the circulatory system. circulatory – кровеносный
Упр. 8. Образуйте от следующих прилагательных наречия при помощи суффикса -ly.
continual (непрерывный)
periodical (периодический)
prompt (своевременный)
marked (заметный)
Упр. 9. Прочтите и определите значение английских слов по их сходству с русскими эквивалентами.
Transport, process, plasma, function, person, structure, pneumonia, infection, protoplasm, vein, elastic, leucosyte, appendicitis, artery, capillary.
Упр. 10. Прочтите текст «The Circulatory System».
Дата добавления: 2015-09-18 | Просмотры: 466 | Нарушение авторских прав
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