The Nervous System. The vegetative nervous system regulates the rate of metabolism, muscular action and the body temperature
Part II
The vegetative nervous system regulates the rate of metabolism, muscular action and the body temperature. It consists of two parts: the sympathetic system and the parasympathetic system. The sympathetic system is formed by the nerves regulating the activity of the heart muscle and the glands and conveying sensations from the internal organs to the cerebrum.
Cold stimulates the sympathetic nerves and they cause white muscle to contract. Heart has the opposite effect. Mammals and birds have the system highly developed whereas the cold-blooded animals, fish, frogs, etc. have no sympathetic system.
In many organs the activity of the sympathetic system is regulated by the parasympathetic nerves. For example, the sympathetic nerve increases the rate of the heart beat and the Vagus1 (parasympathetic nerve) reduces it thus keeping the rate correct for the needs of the animal.
1 Vagus – вагус, блуждающий нерв (парасимпатический нерв)
Упр. 1. Укажите форму причастий.
1) being examined
2) having examined
3) having been examined
a) Present Participle Passive
b) Perfect Participle Passive
c) Perfect Participle Active
Упр. 2. Образуйте причастия по модели.
| Present PP
| Perfect PP
| Perfect PA
| to do
| being done
| having been done
| having done
| to treat
| ?
| ?
| ?
| to inject
| ?
| ?
| ?
| Упр. 3. Прочтите и переведите. Данные предложения (не все) содержат сложные формы причастия в функции определения (правила перевода сложных форм причастия см. стр. 147-151).
1) The virus being investigated is the virus of Rabies.
2) The increase in poliomyelitis infections is caused by the damaged tissues being examined now.
3) The assistant told us about the health of the animals having been treated.
4) A new house is being built in our street.
5) The disease being spread is very dangerous.
6) The patient being examined is very emaciated (истощен).
Упр. 4. Укажите номера предложений из упр. 3, содержащих Complex Participle в функции определения.
Упр. 5. Прочтите и переведите. Данные предложения (не все) содержат Complex Participles в функции обстоятельства времени или причины.
1) Having entered the Academy of Veterinary Medicine he decided to become a microbiologist.
2) Being affected with pneumonia he had a high temperature.
3) Having being invited to the conference he prepared his report.
4) Having finished my work I went home.
5) Having destroyed the breeding places of mosquitoes, the sanitary inspectors limited the spread of malaria.
6) He has been performing different experiments till now.
7) Being suspected of an infectious disease the animal was quarantined.
Итак, Complex Participles в предложении могут выполнять функцию определения или обстоятельства и переводятся сказуемым в составе соответствующего придаточного предложения.
Упр. 6. Прочтите и переведите, обращая внимание на независимый причастный оборот.
1) In man the disease is not severe, mild fever and vomiting being the principal symptoms.
2) The virus having entered the blood stream, the disease was very acute.
3) The temperature being high, the patient had to be taken to hospital.
Выделенные словосочетания называются независимым причастным оборотом – Absolute Participial Construction. Как вы помните, этот оборот может выполнять функцию обстоятельства времени, причины или сопутствующих обстоятельств. Переводится соответствующим придаточным предложением. Обратите внимание на то, что Absolute Participial Construction всегда отделяется запятой.
Упр. 7. Прочтите и переведите.
1) The epidemic occuring in the herd, measures were taken for isolation of the animals.
2) The lecture having been finished, we left the instisute.
3) The epidemic occurring in the herd spreads rapidly.
4) The diagnosis of tuberculosis having been made, the affected animals were slaughtered.
Упр. 8. Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на выделенные слова.
1) Rare types of animals are listed in the Red Book. rare – редкий
2) The symptoms of the mustard poisoning (отравление горчицей) and those of rabies are identical. identical – идентичный, сходный
3) The rigidity of udder is a pathology. It indicates the possibility of mastitis. rigidity – твердость, жесткость
4) Skull encloses the brain. The omentum encloses the stomach. to enclose – окружать
5) During respiration first the air moves into the nasal cavity. The intestine is in the abdominal cavity. cavity – полость
6) The walls of aorta can hold high blood pressure. pressure – давление
7) The visual observation is one of the diagnostic methods. observation – наблюдение
8) Tumours are classified as malignant and nonmalignant. tumour – опухоль
9) The child has a high temperature. Probably he has caught influenza. probably – возможно, вероятно
10) The direct injection of the air into a vein causes death. direct – прямой, непосредственный
11) The external organs of the body are accessibile for surgical treatment. The internal organs are inaccessible and the surgeon must dissect skin or bone to get access to these organs. accessible – доступный, inaccessible – недоступный, to access – проникать
12) Loss of blood leads to anemia. to lead – вести, приводить
13) If the resistance of an organism is weakened the germs may invade it. to invade – внедряться
14) If the injury of a leg is serious it is accompanied with lameness (хромота). to accompany – сопровождать
15) The lesions are so small that they cannot be detected without microscope. They are not detectable. to detect – обнаруживать, detectable – очевидный
Упр. 9. Прочтите, обратите внимание на словообразовательные суффиксы.
-tion: examination, consideration, interpretation, observation, degeneration
-ture: fracture, musculature
-ty: rigidity, cavity, difficulty
Дата добавления: 2015-09-18 | Просмотры: 461 | Нарушение авторских прав
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