Automatic Sprinkler Systems
The automatic sprinkler system is the greatest fire protection device that exists today. Very seldom fire attack occurs without automatic sprinkle system.
Provided with small opening, such a system sprays water over a given area when automatically activated. Various types of release mechanisms are activated automatically at different ranges of temperatures; they range from 100° to 360° F and higher.
The discharge from a sprinkler head in ten form of a spray reaches the fire and wets the combustible material. It also tends to absorb the heat liberated, thus preventing the spread of fire. One sprinkler can cover a floor of 100 square feet. In average building, one sprinkler head is generally provided for each 100 to 120 square feet of area. It is difficult on the fire ground to determine the pressure required to supply a sprinkler system. Adequate working pressure depends upon the number of sprinkler heads that are open and the size and location of the heads. It is a good rule to pump at a discharge pressure of 150 pci. The information about the amount of water and the location of the fire having been received, a change in the pressure can be made. When the water supplies are being reviewed, it is desirable to get aside the amount required so that the operation of the sprinkler systems will never be jeopardized (подвергать опасности).
One modern technique of fire fighting requires that one of the first engines arriving at a fire or a suspected fire, connect to the sprinkler system’s steam inlet and maintain a steady of 150 pci discharge pressure so that a full volume of water at the proper operating pressure is assured for sprinkler operation.
Дата добавления: 2015-09-18 | Просмотры: 675 | Нарушение авторских прав
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