XV. Find in the text the sentences describing
1. the aim of the Fire Service in every country
2. the subdivision of the Fire Protection in the Russian Federation
3. the equipment of our Fire Protection
4. fire investigation
5. fire educational establishments
6. the duty of every fireman
7. theoretical foundations of the Fire Service and Emergency Rescue Service.
XVI. Find in the text English equivalents to the following words and word combinations:
цель пожарной охраны, в каждой стране, защищать жизнь людей, защищать имущество и природу от огня, предотвращение пожаров, борьба с пожарами, дело государственной важности, Российская Федерация, Федеральный закон, определять, юридические, экономические и социальные основы, обеспечивать пожарную безопасность, в нашей стране, закон определяет, типы и задачи, обеспечивать, современное оборудование, пожарный автомобиль (машина), автоматическая лестница, дыхательный аппарат, снаряжение пожарного, и так далее, прибывать, в течение нескольких минут, получать вызов, исследование, признавать, необходимый, важный, работа пожарных, учебное заведение, подготовлять, квалифицированный, личный состав, долг, суммировать, во-первых, во-вторых, в-третьих, спасать, предотвращать разрушение, природа, оказывать помощь, деятельность, основывать, научный подход, различные проблемы, теоретические основы, аварийно-спасательная служба, разрабатывать, с помощью, математические модели, ученые предсказывают, изменения в оперативной обстановке, гуманитарная помощь.
XVII. Learn and retell the microtext:
1. The aim of the Fire Protection in every country is to protect people’s life, property and nature from the fire.
2. The organization of fire prevention and protection is a matter of state importance in the Russian Federation.
3. The Federal Law of the Russian Federation defines legal, economical and social foundations of fire safety in our country.
4. The Law determines types and tasks of the Fire Service.
5. Our Fire Protection is provided with modern equipment.
6. Fire investigation is a necessary part of firefighter’s job.
7. The fire educational establishments prepare qualified personnel.
XVIII. Translate the microtext paying special attention to the Participle and Participle Constructions:
1. The name of Konstantin Moiseevich Yaichkov was known very well in the circles of professionals and volunteers of the Fire Protection of the Russian Federation in the first years of the Soviet power.
2. In February 1924 he was offered the superior post in the Fire Protection of the Republic – the head of the Central Fire Protection Department.
3. His activity in this field described in journal “Fire Affair” is of great interest (“Fire Affair” № 3/1993, p.p. 44 – 45).
4. As seen from this article Yaichkov program materials were published in the first number of this Journal in January, 1925.
5. Yaichkov having worked out a plan of foundation of the Fire Service in rural country-side, excellent results were obtained.
6. In Leningrad on the 14 th of January, 1928, the first Fire Protection specialists graduated from the fire technical school, Yaichkov long-standing dream becoming true.
7. Step by step K.M. Yaichkov and his associates of the Central Fire Department were taking preventive and defensive measures in all spheres of Fire Safety.
8. The head of the Fire Protection in Russia Yaichkov, being gifted for literary work published regularly survey and analytical articles in Journal “Fire Affair”.
9. His book “The Firefighting” written in popular language was translated three times.
10. Being a fire specialist of pre-Revolutionary Russia K.M. Yaichkov made a valuable contribution to fire science.
11. But he was not able to overcome distrust of the authority, in spite of his professionalism and sociability.
12. In autumn, 1930, K.M. Yaichkov was relieved of his post.
13. Nevertheless, from time to time he published articles in Journal “Fire Affair”, his last article being published in March, 1956.
XIX. Translate the following text in writing:
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