VIII. Translate the following sentences. Pay attention to the infinitive construction
1. The members of the fire companies organized lines to pass buckets.
2. The governor appointed fire wardens (смотрители) to inspect homes.
3. He appointed men to patrol the streets at night.
4. The men shook wooden rattles (трещетки) to alert the people about fire.
5. The pumps enabled firefighters to fight a fire.
6. The companies required large numbers of volunteers to haul the hand pumps.
7. The steam pumpers required fewer people to operate them.
IX. Pay attention to the translation of the construction “N + V III”
1. The members of the fire companies organized lines called bucket brigades.
2. The men called rattle watch shook wooden rattles.
3. The first fire safety regulations in Canada were adopted in Montreal and Quebec then ruled by France.
4. In 1763 Montreal established the first organization in Canada called the Fire Club.
5. In the 1700's fire companies in North America got first practical fire pumps made in Europe.
6. Steam – powered pumping engines pulled by horses began to replace hand pumps.
7. Many improvements have been made in the equipment used in firefighting.
X. Read and translate into Russian the text " History "
XI. Answer the following questions:
1. Who organized volunteer fire companies?
2. What did they do to put out a fire?
3. Who made one of the first efforts to establish a fire prevention system?
4. What city established the first paid department in the American Colonies?
5. When did fire companies in North America get their first practical fire pumps?
6. When did the U. S. government establish the National Fire Prevention and Control Administration?
7. What does the abbreviation USFA mean?
XII. Choose the proper variant:
1. In the largest cities citizens organized a) paid fire companies b) volunteer fire companies.
2. The governor appointed special people to inspect homes in a) 1658
b) 1648 c) 1679.
3. The first paid fire department in the American Colonies was established in a) New York b) Boston c) Philadelphia.
4. The first practical fire pumps in North America were made in a) Europe b) Canada c) North America.
5. Most U. S. cities had volunteer fire companies a) in the mid – 1700's
b) by the early 1800's c) in the mid – 1800's.
6. The USFA appeared in a) 1978 b) 1974 c) 1970.
XIII. Translate the following proper names:
The National Fire Prevention and Control Administration, Department of Commerce, United States Fire Administration (USFA), Federal Emergency Management Agency, National Fire Academy, the Consumer Product Safety Commission.
XIV. Read the following numerals (dates):
1648, 1658, 1679, 1734, 1736, 1978, 1974, in the mid – 1700's, by the early 1800's, in the mid – 1800's, from 1910 to 1930, in the 1970's, during the 1980's and 1990's
XV. Find in the text the sentences describing:
a. volunteer fire companies in early history of the American Colonies
b. who and when started to establish a fire prevention system
c. where and when the first paid fire department in the American Colonies was established
d. the development of fire companies in North America in the mid – 1700's (by the early 1800's, in the mid – 1800's)
e. recent development of fire prevention.
XVI. Use the information in the text "History" to complete the following table:
| Event
| one of the first community alarm system
| Boston
| Most U. S. volunteer fire companies
| From 1910 to 1930
| The USFA
| During the 1980's and 1990's
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