Fire Precautions in Hospital
In the parts of hospital buildings used for the accommodation of patients (particularly the less mobile patients) the most satisfactory standards of fire safety will be achieved by dividing the building (or part) into protected areas. Thus, persons can, in the first instance, move horizontally away into an unaffected area on the same level. They can remain there in a relative safety for a time.
Nevertheless, it will be necessary to provide for a second stage of evacuation, in the case of upper floors, vertical movement. To meet both these needs it is necessary to plan the escape routes from protected areas.
The walls should be of fire resisting construction. Doors, rooms, areas of high fire risks and cupboards should be fire-resisting. Normally a main corridor should be not less than 1.2 m wide.
Corridors exceeding 30 m in length should be subdivided by fire resisting doors so as prevent the free travel of smoke throughout the length of the corridor.
In the parts of hospital where chronic sick patients are accommodated automatic fire detection should be provided. It is also necessary to provide automatic fire detection in certain parts of hospitals which present an above average risk of fire, such as areas of high fire risk.
Smoke detectors giving the most rapid response to flaming and smoldering fires are preferred in these situations. Detectors of the heat- sensitive type should be used in industrial laboratory, kitchen and similar fires.
Дата добавления: 2015-09-18 | Просмотры: 546 | Нарушение авторских прав
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