XVII. Decide whether the following statements are false or true. Use: ”You are (not quite) right; you are mistaken. That’s (not quite) right“ and give the right answer
1. Citizens organized professional fire companies.
2. In 1648 the governor of New Netherlands, began one of the first community alarm system.
3. Boston established the first paid fire department in the American Colonies.
4. The first practical fire pumps were made in Europe.
5. By the early 1800's steam – powered pumping engines pulled by horses started to replace hand pumps.
6. Gasoline – powered vehicles replaced horse – drawn fire engines between 1910 – 1930.
7. The National Fire Academy is located in Emmitsburg, Maryland.
XVIII. Find in the text equivalents to the following word combinations:
добровольные пожарные команды; передавать ведра с водой; организовать систему противопожарной безопасности; осматривать дома; патрулировать улицы и остерегаться пожара; профессиональные (платные) пожарные команды; требовать большого количества добровольцев; заменять ручные насосы; придавать больше значения предупреждению пожаров; техника борьбы с пожарами; информация по противопожарной безопасности для потребителей; сокращение числа и размера пожаров.
XIX. Retell the text in brief using the following word combinations:
fire protection in North America; to organize volunteer fire companies;
to establish a fire prevention system; to establish the first paid fire department; to put greater emphasis on preventing fires; to educate the public about fire safety; to result from improved public education and better fire safety codes.
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