X. Read and translate into Russian the text “Fire”
XI. Answer the following questions:
1. What is a “fire triangle”?
2. What is conduction?
3. What is convection?
4. What is radiation?
5. What is a tetrahedron?
XII. The text can be divided into several parts. Where would you divide it? What is each part about?
XIII. Find in the text the English equivalents for the following words and word combinations:
1. погаснуть
2. поддерживать горение пламени
3. обычный горючий (воспламеняемый) материал
4. способность проводить тепло
5. теплопроводность
6. пожары жилых помещений
7. важный момент
8. огнетушащее вещество (состав)
9. современный портативный огнетушитель
10. автоматическая система пожаротушения
11. система взрывозащиты
12. прервать цепную реакцию
XIV. Find the definitions for the words and word combinations:
a) heat radiation c) heat transfer
b) convection d) conduction
1. The transmission of heat from places of higher to places of lower temperature in substance.
2. Transference of heat through a liquid or gas by the actual movement of the fluid.
3. Energy emitted by a substance as electromagnetic waves. The higher the temperature of the substance the greater the emission of energy.
4. The transfer of energy from one body or place to another as a result of difference in temperature.
XV. a) Read the text and try to understand it using the list of new words
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