XII. Match the nouns from the right column with the adjectives from the left column in accordance with the text
main crime
residential responsibility
recent damages
physical fires
serious study
extensive causes
several destruction
further investigation
various factors
complete evidence
XIII. Put general questions to the following sentences:
1. Arson is growing at an ever increasing rate.
2. Arson accounts for more than 1,5 million dollars a year in losses.
3. Firemen have several responsibilities at a fire scene.
4. There are 1.000 deaths attributed to arson every year.
5. The table shows the main causes of residential fires in the United States.
6. The cause of a fire can usually be found at or near the point of origin.
7. The point of origin has been determined.
8. These causes are automatically eliminated from consideration.
9. Arson is like any other type of crime.
10. There are many types of physical evidence.
11. All the types of evidence should be submitted for analysis.
XIV. Finish the sentences using the proper variant:
1. Arson incidence is growing
a) at an ever increasing rate
b) rather slowly
2. The table shows the main causes of
a) forest fires
b) residential fires
3. There are two approaches for fire cause
a) determination
b) description
4. The cause of fire can be found
a) far away from the origin
b)at the point of origin
5. The examination is usually carried on from
a) the interior of the structure to the exterior
b) the exterior of the structure to the interior
6. Once the point of origin has been determined the cause of the fire
a) can be found
b) cannot be found yet
7. Arson is like any other type of
b) crime
XV. Answer the following questions:
Дата добавления: 2015-09-18 | Просмотры: 850 | Нарушение авторских прав
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