XIII. Decide whether these sentences are true or false. Use the phrase. “You are (not) quite right. That’s (not) quite right. I’m afraid you are wrong”
1. Fire departments work to worsen fire prevention through laws, educational programs etc.
2. More fires occur in winter.
3. Gasoline and paint don’t burn easily.
4. Gasoline mustn’t be kept indoors.
5. Cords can run under carpeting.
6. Playing with matches is very dangerous.
7. Older children may give talks and demonstrations for classes.
8. Fire is used for many jobs.
9. Workers must report any problems that could cause fire.
XIV. Find in the text the English equivalents to the following words and word combinations:
oбщественные организации, улучшать пожарную безопасность, торговые палаты, молодёжные клубы, опасность пожаров, бирка предупреждающая об опасности, плотно закрытые канистры, не должен храниться в помещении, заменять электрический шнур, проходить под напольным покрытием, финансово поддерживать детские клубы, поддерживать пожарную безопасность в жилых домах, работодатели обучают рабочих, легковоспламеняющиеся пары, должны немедленно убираться.
XV. Retell the text in brief using the following word combinations:
to improve fire prevention through laws, educational programs, newspapers, number of fires in winter, to come into use, shouldn’t be stored, gasoline must never be used………, an electrician should ………, to burn easily, may give talks, to present special problems, to check for fire hazards, to report any problems that could cause fire, to use dry or liquid chemicals, must be cleaned up, to promote fire safety.
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