E) Vulgar Words
The term vulgarism, as used to single out a definite group of words of non-standard English, is rather misleading. Webster's "New International Dictionary" defines vulgarism as "A vulgar phrase or expression, or one used only in colloquial, or, esp., in unrefined or low, speech." Then follows the explanation, "A vulgarism is a phrase or expression which is in common, but in good, use; the word does not necessarily connote coarseness."
The "Shorter Oxford Dictionary" defines vulgarism as "A vulgar phrase or expression; a colloquialism of a low or unrefined character."
What is meant by good use in the definition given by the Webster's Dictionary remains unexplained. Particularly misleading is the phrase that the word does not necessarily connote coarseness.
We shall define vulgarisms as expletives or swear-words and obscene words and expressions. They have nothing to do with words in common use nor can they be classed as colloquialisms.
There are different degrees of vulgar words. Some of them, the obscene ones should not even be fixed in common dictionaries. They are euphemistically called "four-letter" words. A lesser degree of vulgarity is presented by expletives, words like damn, bloody, sonofabitch, tohell, and others. These vulgarisms sometimes appear in a euphemistic spelling, viz. only the initial letter is printed: d─ ─ ─ ( damn! ) b ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ( bloody ). Sometimes they assume the form of a word, as in Galsworthy's "It's a bee nuisance." "It's bee weak-minded."
The function of vulgarisms is almost the same as that of interjections, that is to express strong emotions, mainly annoyance, anger, vexation and the like. They are not to be found in any style of speech except emotive prose, and here only in the direct speech of the characters.
The language of the underworld is rich in coarse words and expressions. But not every expression which may be considered coarse should be regarded as a vulgarism. Coarseness of expression may result from improper grammar, non-standard pronunciation, from the misuse of certain literary words and expressions, from a deliberate distortion of words. All these improprieties of speech can not be regarded as vulgarisms.
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