Use the most appropriate modal verb (can, may, must, have to)
I ____ speak English just a little but I _______ not understand English at all because I have poor comprehension skills.
I _____ borrow textbooks in the library if I have a student card.
I ______ learn English because I think English is necessary for a good doctor.
I _______ to learn English because we’ll have an exam in English.
3. Reading and Speaking: Conversational topic «Stomatitis»: pp.31-32, ex.3.
Английский язык: учебник EnglishinDentistry: учебник для студентов стоматологических факультетов медицинских вузов / под ред. Л.Ю. Берзеговой.- М.: «ГЭОТАР-МЕДИА», 2008. – 272 с
Optional literature:
- Maslova A.M. Essential Medical English for Medical Students. Moscow, 2003. – Pp. 8-10, 15-17.
- CD-ROM: Practice your reading. Kirov, 2007. CD-ROM: Tense and voice
forms in test-like texts. Kirov, 2007.
- Методические рекомендации для преподавателей (методические рекомендации для практических занятий по английскому языку у студентов 1 курса стоматологического факультета, первый семестр). Составитель к.ф.н., доц. В. А. Головин. Кировская ГМА, 2009.
4. Htpp//
Lesson 14
Topic: Stomatitis.
Aim of the lesson: development of speaking, reading, retelling, translation, and comprehension skills, competence within the above topic.
Virtual learning environment: textbooks, posters, pictures, personal educational materials, tables, test, etc.
Practical skills before the lesson: the students should know basic tense- and voice forms, basic modal verbs.
Practical skills and knowledge after the lesson: the students should know basic vocabulary, ask and answer questions and make up a short story on the above topic.
Tasks for private study:
Phonetic drills: p. 31, ex. 3
Grammar Practice. Revision on theory: Modal Verbs: pp.293-294.Exercises: pp.34, ex.2.
Reading and Speaking: Conversational topic «Stomatitis»: pp.31-32, ex.3 (making questions and retelling).
Английский язык: учебник EnglishinDentistry: учебник для студентов стоматологических факультетов медицинских вузов / под ред. Л.Ю. Берзеговой.- М.: «ГЭОТАР-МЕДИА», 2008. – 272 с
Optional literature:
- Maslova A.M. Essential Medical English for Medical Students. Moscow, 2003. – Pp. 8-10, 15-17.
- CD-ROM: Practice your reading. Kirov, 2007. CD-ROM: Tense and voice
forms in test-like texts. Kirov, 2007.
- Методические рекомендации для преподавателей (методические рекомендации для практических занятий по английскому языку у студентов 1 курса стоматологического факультета, первый семестр). Составитель к.ф.н., доц. В. А. Головин. Кировская ГМА, 2009.
4. Htpp//
Lesson 15
Topic: Gingivitis.
Aim of the lesson: development of speaking, reading, retelling, translation, and comprehension skills, competence within the above topic.
Virtual learning environment: textbooks, posters, pictures, personal educational materials, tables, text, etc.
Practical skills before the lesson: the students should know basic tense- and voice forms, basic modal verbs and their equivalents.
Practical skills and knowledge after the lesson: the students should know basic vocabulary, ask and answer questions and make up a short story on the above topic.
Tasks for private study:
Phonetic drills: P.37, ex.5 (A)
Grammar Practice. Revision on theory: Modal Verbs and their Equivalents: pp.293 – 294.Exercises: p.146, ex.2.
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