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The doctor is online – and on webcam

  1. ARDS criteria (conciliation conference of doctors from North America and Europe, 1994)
  2. At the mercy of doctors

by Oleg Nikishenkov at 19/03/2012

The Moscow News


Since the 1990s, the Internet has continued to redefine communication, the media, education, retail, entertainment, and travel. Rapidly developing imaging technologies could come to revolutionize medical treatment, as well, making it possible for a doctor in Moscow to diagnose an illness for a patient in Vladivostok.

Epiphan Labs, a subsidiary of Ottawa-based Epiphan Systems, has taken up residence in the biomedical cluster at the Skolkovo Foundation to apply its parent company’s video-streaming technology to medical use.

“Our technology allows us to capture and transfer images from any type of medical equipment which has a monitor, such as a probe, and to send them using the Internet,” said Epiphan founder Mike Sandler, a Russian-born Canadian engineer.

Дата добавления: 2015-02-05 | Просмотры: 627 | Нарушение авторских прав

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