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Shops, companies fighting alcohol and tobacco bans

  1. As well as methyl alcohol or methanol and ethylene glycol)
  2. F-16 (Fighting Falcon, дословно — сражающийся сокол) — американский многофункциональный легкий истребитель четвертого поколения.
  3. Poisoning with methyl alcohol (methanol)
  4. Support from tobacco firms
  5. Эксперимент по противоалкогольным профилактическим мерам среди подростков (Adolescent Alcohol Prevention Trial, ААРТ)

by Anna Sulimina at 31/05/2012

The Moscow news

A new series of initiatives by the former Health and Social Development Ministry would, if implemented, impose the harshest restrictions on alcohol and tobacco sales Russia has ever seen.

The proposals, which were made just before the end of the previous Cabinet’s term and the restructuring of the former ministry, have met with criticism from tobacco industry representatives and small store owners as being excessive and against the principles of free trade.

Critics also see a contradiction between the laws and government moves to support entrepreneurship and small businesses.

Дата добавления: 2015-02-05 | Просмотры: 716 | Нарушение авторских прав

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