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High security

  1. Http://www.prisonplanet.com/homeland-security-could-block-websites-during-swine-flu-pandemic.html

At psychiatric hospitals with specialized or strict supervision, lawyers are not allowed inside. Inmates can be held indefinitely at these facilities, and the length of their stay is at the discretion of the psychiatrists. Once they are released, they must spend at least six months in a psychiatric hospital with normal supervision before they are fully discharged.

Yelena Stepanova (her name has been changed to protect her son's identity) spent three years trying to get her son out of a high-security psychiatric hospital in Kazan.

Her son, who suffered from a moderate schizophrenia-like disorder, was placed there after trying to escape from a normal hospital, where he was confined after a court found him guilty of passing on a dose of heroin to an acquaintance.

Stepanova's son was released last year after she complained to the European Court of Human Rights and Russia's Justice Ministry got involved in the case.

"It's hell," Stepanova said about the conditions at her son's second psychiatric hospital in an email to The Moscow News. "Small cells where people with light and severe forms of mental disorders are kept together, spending at least 18.5 hours a day there."

Instead of a toilet, each cell was equipped with two buckets, Stepanova added.

But at normal security facilities, like Moscow Psychiatric Hospital No. 5, patients still describe conditions like those of a prison - with the difference being that patients do not know when they could go home.

"[My brother's been there for] five and a half years," Yelena Sviridova, whose name has been changed to protect her brother's identity, told The Moscow News. "They don't want to let him out. Every time I ask when they will let him out, they say it's up to the psychiatrists. Every time they schedule a court hearing, they don't call us."

Дата добавления: 2015-02-05 | Просмотры: 717 | Нарушение авторских прав

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