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Примечания. [5] Who's Who In World Jewry

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  7. Примечания.

[2] Ford, Henry, (1920-1922). The International Jew: the World's Foremost Problem. Dearborn Independent. Dearborn, Michigan.

[3] Irving, David. (1994). Action Report. Special Edition.

[4] Goldhagen, D. (1996). Hitler's Wilting Executioners: Ordinary Germans And The Holocaust. New York: Knopf, Random House.

[5] Who's Who In World Jewry. (1965). New York: Pitman Publishing. Corp.

[6] Who's Who In American Jewry. (1927-). New York: The Jewish Biographical Bureau, Inc.

[7] Goldwater, B. M. (1960). The Conscience Of A Conservative. Shepherdsville, Kentucky: Victor Publishing Co.

[8] Stonner, J. (1964). None Dare Call It Treason. Florissant, Missouri: Liberty Bell Press.

[9] Schwarz, P. C. (I960). You Can Trust The Communists. Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey: Prentice-Hall.

[10] Churchill, W. (1920). Zionism versus Bolshevism: A Struggle for the Soul of the Jewish People. Illustrated Sunday Herald. February 8.

[11] Churchill, W. (1920). Zionism versus Bolshevism: A Struggle for the Soul of the Jewish People.

[12] U.S. National Archives. (1919). Record Group 120: Records of the American Expeditionary Forces, June 9.

[13] Wilton, R. (1920). Last Days of the Romanovs. New York: George H. Doran Co. p.148.

[14] U.S. National Archives. (1919). Record Group 120: Records of the American Expeditionary Forces, June 9.

[15] Francis, D. R. (1921). Russia From the American Embassy. New York: C. Scribner's & Sons. p.214.

[16] National Archives, Dept. of State Decimal File, 1910-1929, file 861.00/5067

[17] Netti, J. P. (1967). The Soviet Achievement. New York: Harcourt, Brace & World.

[18] Encyclopedia Judaica. p.791-792.

[19] Trotsky, L. (1968). Stalin: An Appraisal of the Man and His Influence, ed. trans. Charles Malamuth. London, MacGibbon & Kee.

[20] Shub, David. (1961). Novyi Zhumal no. 63.

[21] Shub, D. (1966). Lenin: a Biography. Hannondsworth, Penguin.

[22] Review de Fonds Social Juif. (1970). no. 161.

[23] Ben-Shlomo, В. Z. (1991). Reporting on Lenin's Jewish Roots. Jewish Chronicle. July 26. p.2.

[24] Hoffman, Michael. (1997). Campaign for Radical Truth in History. P.O. Box 849. Coeur d' Alene, ID 83816. Ehrenburg won the Order of Lenin and the Stalin Prize and willed his papers to the Israeli Yad Vashem Holocaust Museum.

[25] Goldberg, Anatol. (1984). llya Ehrenburg: Revolutionary, novelist, poet, war correspondent, propagandist: the extraordinary epic of a Russian survivor. New York: Viking.

[26] Solzhenitsyn, A. (1974). The Gulag Archipelago, 1918-1956: An Experiment in Literary investigation, I-II. Tran. Thomas P. Whitney. London: Collins: Harvill Press, p.79.

[27] Aronson, G. (1949). Soviet Russia and the Jews. New York: American Jewish League Against Communism.

[28] The Jewish Voice. (1942). New York. January.

[29] The Congress Bulletin. (1940). (New York). American Jewish Congress, January 5.

[30] George Bernard Shaw, quoted in The Jewish Guardian (1931). Said: “I have seen the statement which Stalin gave recently to the Jewish Telegraphic Agency on Anti-Semitism and in which the Soviet leader said that under the Soviet laws militant Anti-Semitism is punishable by death.”

[31] Joseph Stalin (Note to the Jewish Telegraphic Agency), 12th January 1931, Collected Works, vol. 13.

[32] Gregor Aronson. (1949). Soviet Russia and the Jews. New York: American Jewish League Against Communism.

[33] Encyclopaedia Britannica. (1947). Vol. 2. p.76.

[34] Latimer, E.W. (1895). Russia and Turkey in the 19th Century. A. C. McLury & Co. p. 332.

[35] Jewish Communal Register of New York City. (1918). p.1018-1019

[36] New York Journal American (1949). February 3.

[37] Andelman, M.S. (1974). To Eliminate the Opiate. New York — Tel Aviv: Zahavia. Ltd. 26

[38] Nedava, J. (1971). Trotsky and the Jews. Philadelphia. Jewish Publication Society.

[39] Marx, Karl, (1936). Das Kapital.

[40] English. New York: The Modem library Marx, Karl, (1932). Capital, the Communist manifesto and other writings. New York: The Modem library.

[41] Chicago Jewish Sentinel. (1975). Inside Judaica. October 30.

[42] Bames Review. (1996). The Racism of Marx and Engles. Oct. vol. 2. 10. p. 3.

[43] The Encyclopedia of Zionism in Israel. (1971). New York: Herzl Press/McGraw-Hill. p.496-497.

[44] Wilton, R. (1920). Last Days of the Romanovs. New York: George H. Doran Co. 148.

[45] Rapoport, Louis. (1990). Stalin's War Against The Jews. Free Press/Simon & Schuster.

[46]Curtis, William Eiroy. (1907). National Geographic Magazine. The Revolution in Russia. May. p.313.

[47] Orwell, George. (1948). 1984.

[48] Exodus (1960). dir. Otto Preminger United Artists.

[49] Kurtzman, Daniel. (1995). Ousted House Historian Seeks Restitution and a Straight Record. Jewish Telegraphic Agency. October 31.

[50] Bible. King James Version. Ezra chapter 9.

[51] KJV Numbers 33:55

[52] KJV Joshua 6:21

[53] KJV Joshua 10:32-34

[54] KJV Joshua 10:37

[55] KJV Isaiah 34:2-3

[56] RSV Deuteronomy 20:16

[57] KJV Deuteronomy 7:2-3

[58] KJV Deuteronomy 7:6

[59] KJV Ezra 9:12

[60] Maimonides, Mishneh Torah. Laws On Murderers 2,4,11.

[61] KJV Galatians 3:26-29

[62] The Winds of War, War and Remembrance, and others.

[63] New York Herald Tribune. (1959). Nov. 17.

[64] Dilling, E. (1980). The Jewish Religion. Los Angeles: CDL Report (Renamed From The Plot Against Christianity)

[65] Talmud, Sanhedrin. (1935). Soncino Edition, p.400.

[66] Simon, M. Trans. (1936). 57a Gittin. London. Soncino Press, p.261

[67] Jewish Encyclopedia. (1907). Balaam, p.469.

[68] Talmud, Sanhedrin. (1935). Soncino Edition. 5 footnote on p. 388.

[69] Funk And Wagnalls Jewish Encyclopedia. (1905). Min. p.594.

[70] Talmud. (1935). Soncino Edition.

[71] Talmud, Sanhedrin (1935). Soncino Edition, p.388.

[72] Funk And Wagnalls Jewish Encyclopedia. (1907). Gentile. New York. p.617.

[73] Talmud. (1935). Baba Mezia. Soncino Edition. 114a-114b.

[74] Funk And Wagnalls Jewish Encyclopedia. (1907). Gentile. New York. p.621.

[75] Talmud, Sanhedrin (1935). Soncino Edition. 58b. p.398.

[76] Talmud, Baba Kamma. (1935). Soncino Edition, p.211.

[77] Talmud, Baba Kamma. (1935). Soncino Edition, p.666.

[78] Talmud, Sanhedrin (1935). Soncino Edition. 76a. p.470.

[79] Talmud, Sanhedrin (1935). Soncino Edition, 57a. p.388.

[80] Talmud, Baba Kamma. (1935). Soncino Edition. 37b.

[81] Talmud, Baba Kamma. (1935). Soncino Edition, p.664-665.

[82] Talmud, Yebamoth. (1936). Soncino Edition. 98a.

[83] Talmud, Abodah Zarah. (1935). Soncino Edition. 22a-b.

[84] Talmud, Abodah Zarah. (1935). Soncino Edition. 67b.

[85] Funk And Wagnalls Jewish Encyclopedia. (1907). Gentile: Discrimination Against Gentiles, p.617-621.

[86] Funk And Wagnalls Jewish Encyclopedia. (1907). Gentile. New York. p.617.

[87] Talmud, Sanhedrin (1935). Soncino Edition. 105a-b. p.717.

[88] Talmud, Sanhedrin (1935). Soncino Edition, 105a-b. p.726.

[89] RSV John 8:13T

[90] Luther, M. L. (1962). Thе Jews And Their Lies. Chicago. Christian Press Translatec From The Eriangen And Weimar German Editions. (1483-1546). Works. 1883

[91] D. Martin Luthers Werke; Kritische Gesammtausgabe. Weimar, H. Bohiau, (1883-1985). Random House Websters Unabridged Electronic Dictionary. (1996).

[92] Purim Holiday Observances (1997). Jewish Art In Context.

[93] Goldwasser, Phillip. (1998). Bon Appetit. Hosted by the Jewish Communication Network on the Internet.

[94] Hess, Moses, (1958). 1812-1875. Rome Awi Jerusalem. Translated By Maurice J. Bloom. New York: Philosophical Library.

[95] Dubnow, S. (1906). Foundation Of National Judaism. Translated From Die Grundlagen Des Nationaljudentums. S.M. Dubnow. Berlin: Jtidischer Verlag.

[96] Menuhin, Moshe. (1965). The Decadence Of Judaism In Our Time. New York: Exposition Press

[97] Menuhin, Moshe. (1965). The Decadence Of Judaism In Our Time. 482-483.

[98] Attack. (1976). Goldmann quoted in Zionism I: Theory, no.42. (Hillsboro. www.natvan.com).

[99] Brandeis, L. at a speech before the Menorah Society at Columbia University.

[100] Herzl, T. (1967). The Jewish State: An Attempt At A Modem Solution Of The Jewish Question. London, Pordes.

[101] Wyman, David S. (1985). The Abandonment Of The Jews: America And The Holocaust. 1941-1945. Pantheon.

[102] Lazare, Bernard. (1967). Anti-Semitism: Its History And Causes; Translated From The French. London, Britons Publishing Co.

[103] Encyclopedia Judaica. (1994). Decennial Book, 1983-1992 Events Of 1982-1992 Jerusalem: Encyclopedia Judaica.

[104] De Mille, С. В. (1956). The Ten Commandments. Hollywood. Paramount

[105] Spielberg, S. (1993). Schindler s List. Hollywood. Universal.

[106] Jewish Press. Brooklyn, NY.

[107] The Jewish Press. (1988). Feb. 19. 10A.

[108] The Jewish Press. (1988). Feb. 19. 8C.

[109] Bermant, C. (1991). Some Carefully And Carelessly Chosen Words, Jewish Chronicle. May 17.

[110] New Republic. (1992). May.

[111] Who's Who In World Jewry. (1965). New York: Pitman Pub. Corp.

[112] Who's Who In American Jewry. (1927-). New York: The Jewish Biographical Bureau.

[113] RSV Joshua 6:21

[114] KJV Joshua 10:39

[115] RSV Deuteronomy 20:10-18

[116] KJV Leviticus 19:18

[117] KJV Exodus 20:13, 15, and 17

[118] RSV Leviticus 19:18

[119] TANAKH. (1985). A New Translation of The Holy Scriptures according to the Traditional Hebrew Text. Philadelphia. The Jewish Publication Society.

[120] Talmud – Baba Kamma (1935). 113b. p.666. Soncino Edition.

[121] Funk and Wagnalls Jewish Encyclopedia. (1905). Gentile, p.620.

[122] Hartung, John. (1995). Love Thy Neighbor: The Evolution of In-Group Morality. Skeptic, Vol. 3. No. 4.

[123] KJV Leviticus 25:44-46.

[124] KJV Deuteronomy 7:2-6.

[125] KJV Leviticus 20:24.

[126] KJV Nehemiah 13:3.

[127] KJV Deuteronomy 7:4.

[128] RSV Ezra 9:1.

[129] KJV Ezra 9:2.

[130] Schonfield, H. J. (1965). The Passover plot; new light on the history' of Jesus. New York: B. Geis Associates. Random House.

[131] KJV Hebrews 8:9.

[132] KJV Hebrews 8:9.

[133] "Judaism." Encyclopedia Judaica, p. 396.

[134] "Conservative Judaism," Enc. Encyclopedia Judaica, p. 906.

[135] Universal Jewish Encyclopedia, "Authority" p. 637.

[136] Talmud, Sanhedrin (1935). Soncino Edition. 105a-b. p.717.

[137] Simon, M. Trans. (1936). 57a Gittin. London. Soncino Press, p.261.

[138] Talmud, Sanhedrin (1935). Soncino Edition, 105a-b. p.726.

[139] Talmud, Sanhedrin (1935). Soncino Edition. 52b. p.356.

[140] Talmud, Sanhedrin (1935). Soncino Edition, 105a-b. p.726.

[141] Shahak, I. (1994). Jewish History; Jewish Religion. Boulder, Colorado. Pluto Press.

[142] Shahak. I. (1994). Jewish History, Jewish Religion. 97-98.

[143] Shahak, I. (1994). Jewish History, Jewish Religion, p.21.

[144] Shahak, I. (1994). Jewish History, Jewish Religion. 23 & 93.

[145] "Goy'' Talmudic Encyclopedia as quoted by Shahak.

[146] Shahak, I. (1994). Jewish History. Jewish Religion. 87.

[147] Shahak, I. (1994). Jewish History. Jewish Religion, p.23.

[148] Luther, M. L. (1962). The Jews And Their Lies. Chicago. Christian Press Translated From The Eriangen And Weimar German Editions. 1483-1546. Works. 1883 D. Martin Luthers Werke; Kritische Gesammtausgabe. Weimar, H. Bohlau, 1883-1985.

[149] RSV Deuteronomy 7:6-12.

[150] RSV Romans 9:1-3, 6-8, 24-26.

[151] KJV Hebrews 8:6-7, 9-10, and 13.

[152] KJV Matthew 21:43-45.

[153] KJV John 8:42-48.

[154] KJV John 1:47.

[155] RSV 1 Thessalonians 2:14-16.

[156] RSV Titus 1:13-14.

[157] Solzhenitsyn, A. (1974). The Gulag archipelago, 1918-1956: an experiment in literary investigation, 1-11. Tran. Thomas P. Whitney. London: Collins: Harvill Press, p.79.

[158] RSV John 7:13.

[159] KJV Hebrews 8:9.

[160] Koestler, A. (1976). The Thirteenth Tribe. New York: Random House.

[161] Barnes Review. (1997). The Khazars, Non-Semitic Jews. July. Vol.3, p.9.

[162] Chase, G. A., & V. A. McKusick (1972). Founder Effect In Tay-Sachs Disease. American Journal Of Human Genetics. 25:p.339-352.

[163] The Encyclopedia of Zionism in Israel. (1971). New Yolk: Herzl Press/McGraw-Hill.

[164] Glazer. Nathan. (1970). Remembering the Answers: Essays on the American student revolt. New York: Basic Books

[165] Britton, F. (1979). Behind Communism. Noontide Press.

[166] Cohen, Jacob. (1993). The Rosenberg File. National Review. July 19.: p.48-52

[167] Neville, John F. (1997). The Press, the Rosenbergs. and the Cold War. London: Praeger.

[168] Strom, Kevin. (1998). We Are All Prejudiced. Internet Article. April 13.

[169] Boas, F. (1911). Rev. Ed„ (1938). The Mind of Primitive Man. New York. Herskovits.

[170] Melville J. (1953). Franz Boas; the science of man in the making. Clifton, NJ: A. M. Kelley, p. 65.

[171] Mead, Margaret. (1961). Coming of age in Samoa; a psychological study of primitive youth for Western civilization. Foreword by Franz Boas. New York: Morrow.

[172] Freeman, D. (1983). Margaret Mead and Samoa: The Making and Unmaking of an Anthropological Myth. Cambridge University Press.

[173] Freeman, D. (1990). The Samoan Reader: Anthropologists Take Stock. Lanham. Maryland: University Press of America.

[174] Freeman, D. (1991). On Franz Boas and the Samoan Researches of Margaret Mead. Current Anthropology, p.32, 322-330.

[175] Montagu, Ashley. (1945). Man's Most Dangerous Myth: The Fallacy of Race. New York: Columbia University press.

[176] Pearson, R. (1996). Heredity and Humanity: Race Eugenics and Modem Science.. Washington, DC: Scott-Townsend Publishers.

[177] Gelya, F. (1997). Jews, Multiculturalism, And Boasian Anthropology. The American Anthropologist. Vol. 99. #4. p.731-745.

[178] Yerushalmi, Y. H. (1991). Freud's Moses: Judaism Terminable and Interminable. New Haven: Yale University Press, p.98.

[179] Gay, P. (1988). Freud: A Life For Our Time. New York: W. W. Norton.

[180] Freud, S. (1939). Moses and Monotheism. New York: Vintage.

[181] Freud, S. (1938). Totem and Taboo; Resemblances Between the Psychic Lives of Savages and Neurotics. Harmondsworth, Middlesex: Penguin Books.

[182] MacDonald, K. (1996). A People That Shall Dwell Apart. Westpoit, Connecticut: Praeger.

[183] Freud, S. (1969). The Interpretation of Dreams. Trans. J. Strachey. New York.

[184] Yerushalmi, Y. H. (1991). Freud's Moses: Judaism Terminable and Interminable. New Haven: Yale University Press, p.45.

[185] Yerushalmi, Y. H. (1991). Freud's Moses: Judaism Terminable and Interminable. New Haven: Yale University Press, p.45.

[186] Freud, S. (1939). Moses and Monotheism. Trans. by K. Jones. New York: Vintage,.p. 114-117.

[187] Mannoni, О. (1971). Freud. Trans. R. Belice. New York. p.168.

[188] Friedman, Murray. What Went Wrong. (1995). New York: Free Press.

[189] Gairow, David. (1983). The FBI and Martin Luther King. Penguin Books, New York.

[190] Strom, Kevin Alfred. (1994). The Beast as Saint. Radio broadcast. Printed transcript available from National Vanguard Books, Box 330, Hillsboro, WV 24946.

[191] Pappas, Т. (1992). A Houdini of Time. Chronicles. November 26-30.

[192] Abemathy, R. (1989). And the Walls Came Tumbling Down. New York: Harper & Row.

[193] Newsweek. (1998). Books: The Middle of the Journey, Taylor Branch's Grand Civil-Rights History Rolls On. January 19. p.62. Quoting from Pillar of Fire: America in the King Years 1963-65. Taylor Branch. Simon and Schuster.

[194] Kaye, Evelyn. (1987). A Hole in the Sheet: a Modern Woman Looks at Orthodox and Hasidic Judaism. Secaucus, New Jersey: L. Stuart.

[195] Kaye, Evelyn. (1987). A Hole in the Sheet.

[196] Jewish Encyclopedia. (1905).

[197] Talmudic prayer, p.617. Talmud. (1936).

[198] Talmud. (1935). Sanhedrin. 69b. p.469.

[199] Talmud. (1936). Yebamoth. Soncino Edition. 57b. p.386

[200] New York Times. (1992). December 9.

[201] Network. (1976). Director: Sidney Lumet. Producer: Howard Gottfried. Screenwriter: Paddy Chayevsky. Editor: Alan Heim. United Anti-Semitism.

[202] Thunderbolt. P. 0. Box 1211 Marietta, GA 30061.

[203] Schindler's List. (1993). Universal. Director: Steven Spielberg. Producers: Gerald R. Molen, Steven Spielberg. Screenwriters: Kurt Luedtke, Steve Zaillian. Cinematographer: Janusz Kaminski. Editor: Ewa Braun.

[204] Gabler, N. (1988). An Empire of Their Own: How the Jews Invented Hollywood. New York: Crown Publishers.

[205] Stein, B. (1979.). The View From Sunset Boulevard. New York: Basic Books.

[206] Stein, Ben. (1997). Do Jews Run the Media: You Bet they Do — And What of it? E! online Internet Magazine.

[207] National Vanguard Books, P. 0. Box 330 Hillsboro, WV 24946. Or <http:// www.natvan.com>

[208] Time. (1962). The Newspaper Collector. July 27. p.56.

[209] Robertson, W. (1981). The Dispossessed Majority. Cape Canaveral, Florida. Howard Alien Enterprises, Inc. (PO Box 76, Cape Canaveral, FL 32920).

[210] Pierce, Dr. William. (1998). National Vanguard Books. P.O. Box 330, Hillsboro, WV. 24946. Or www.natvan.com. Edited By Brett Anderson.

[211] Birth Of A Nation. (1915). Director, Composer: D.W. Griffith. Screenwriter: Frank E. Woods, D.W. Griffith. Producer: Frank E. Woods. Cinematographer: Billy Bitzer. Editor: James Smith.

[212] Gone with the Wind. (1939). Editor: Hal Kem. Producer, Screenwriter: David O. Seiznick.

[213] Dixon, T. (1905). The Clansman: A Historical Romance Of The Ku Klux Klan. New York: Grosset & Dunlap.

[214] Barnes Review. (1997). Birth of a Nation. July. vol. 3. n. 7 p. 27.

[215] Shakespeare, W. (1600). The Excellent History Of The Merchant Of Venice: With the extreme cruelty of Shylock the Jew towards the snide merchant, in cutting a just pound of his flesh and the obtaining of Portia by the chouse of three caskets. London: J. Roberts.

[216] Canadian Jewish News. (1991). January 31. p.33.

[217] Farewell Uncle Tom.[1972] Cannon Releasing Corporation.

[218] Medved, M. (1996). Jews Run Hollywood, So What? Moment. August.

[219] Priest. (1994). Miramax Films.

[220] The Crying Game. (1992). Miramax Films.

[221] Seven Years In Tibet. (1997). Sony Pictures Entertainment, TriStar Pictures, Mandalay Entertainment, Reperage & Vanguard Films, Applecross.

[222] Larry King Live. (1996). Guest: Marion Brando. Friday, April 5.

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