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[53] KJV Joshua 10:32-34
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[57] KJV Deuteronomy 7:2-3
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[60] Maimonides, Mishneh Torah. Laws On Murderers 2,4,11.
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[76] Talmud, Baba Kamma. (1935). Soncino Edition, p.211.
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[114] KJV Joshua 10:39
[115] RSV Deuteronomy 20:10-18
[116] KJV Leviticus 19:18
[117] KJV Exodus 20:13, 15, and 17
[118] RSV Leviticus 19:18
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[126] KJV Nehemiah 13:3.
[127] KJV Deuteronomy 7:4.
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[129] KJV Ezra 9:2.
[130] Schonfield, H. J. (1965). The Passover plot; new light on the history' of Jesus. New York: B. Geis Associates. Random House.
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[133] "Judaism." Encyclopedia Judaica, p. 396.
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[135] Universal Jewish Encyclopedia, "Authority" p. 637.
[136] Talmud, Sanhedrin (1935). Soncino Edition. 105a-b. p.717.
[137] Simon, M. Trans. (1936). 57a Gittin. London. Soncino Press, p.261.
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[141] Shahak, I. (1994). Jewish History; Jewish Religion. Boulder, Colorado. Pluto Press.
[142] Shahak. I. (1994). Jewish History, Jewish Religion. 97-98.
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[144] Shahak, I. (1994). Jewish History, Jewish Religion. 23 & 93.
[145] "Goy'' Talmudic Encyclopedia as quoted by Shahak.
[146] Shahak, I. (1994). Jewish History. Jewish Religion. 87.
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[293] Messick, H. (1971). Lansky. New York: Putnam. p.276-277.
[294] Bugsy. (1991). Director: Levinson, B. Screenwriter: Toback.J. Tristar.
[295] Messick, H. (1971). Lansky. New York: Putnam. p.8-10.
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[299] Ibid, p. 312.
[300] Luther, M. (1974). Quoted by Leon Poliakov. The History of Anti-Semitism. New York. p.233, note 10.
[301] RSV. Lev. 25:44.
[302] Marcus, J. (1952). Jews. Encyclopedia Britannica. Vol. 13. p.57.
[303] Grayzel, S. (1948). A History of the Jew: From Babylonian Exile to the End of World War II. Philadelphia Jewish Publication Society of America.
[304] White. W. (1966). Who Brought the Slaves to America. While Publishing.
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[306] Raphael. Marc. (1983). Jews and Judaism in the United Slates; A Documentary History. New York: Behrman House. Inc. Vol. 14. Raphael is the editor of American Jewish History, the journal of the American Jewish Historical Society at Brandeis University in Massachusetts.
[307] Platt, Virginia B. (1975). And Don't Forget the Guinea Voyage: The Slave Trade of Aaron Lopez of Newport. William and Mary Quarterly. Vol. 32, # 4.
[308] Marcus, J. (1970). The Colonial American Jew: 1492-1776. Detroit, Michigan: Wayne State University Press.
[309] Marcus, J. (1974). The Jew and the American Revolution. Cincinnati, American Jewish Archives. 3/3
[310] Liebman S. B. (1982). New World Jewry 1493-1825: Requiem/or the Forgotten. KTAV, New York, p.170, 183. [Liebman is an attorney; LL.B., St. Lawrence University, 1929; M.A. (Latin American history), Mexico City College, 1963; Florida chapter American Jewish Historical Society, 1956-58; Friends of Hebrew University, 1958-59; American Historical Society Contributor to scholarly journals on Jewish history.
[311] Wiznitzer, A. (1960). Jews in Colonial Brazil.p. 72-3 [Note: Wiznitzer, Arnold Aharon, educator; Born in Austria, December 20, 1899; Ph.D., University of Vienna, 1920; Doctor of Hebrew Literature, Jewish Theological Seminary of America; Emeritus research professor. University of Judaism, Los Angeles; Contributor to historical journals in the United States and Brazil including the Journal of Jewish Social Studies and the Publications of the American Jewish Historical Society. Former president, Brazilian-Jewish Institute of Historical Research.]
[312] Marcus, J. (1989 United States Jewry). 1776-1985. Detroit: Wayne State University Press, p.586.
[313] The Secret Relationship between Blacks and Jews. (1991). Prepared by the Historical Research Department of the Nation of Islam. Chicago, Illinois: Latimer Associates.
[314] Spielberg, S. (1997). Amistad. Los Angeles: Dreamworks.
[315] Raphael, Marc. (1983). Jews and Judaism in the United States: A Documentary History. New York: Behrman House.
[316] Bristow, E. J. (1983). Prostitution and Prejudice. New York: Shocken books.
[317] Bristow, E. (1986). Studies in Contemporary Jewry, II. Bloomington, Indiana: Indiana University Press, p.310.
[318] Specter, M (1998). Slave traders Lure Slavic Women. Times-Picayune. New York Times News Service. January 11.
[319] Specter, M (1998).[or] Ibid
[320] Specter, M (1998).[or] Ibid
[321] Katz, Samuel M. (1998). Hookers in the Holy Land. Moment. April, p.45-78.
[322] Katz, Samuel M. (1998). Hookers in the Holy Land. p.47.
[323] Katz, Samuel M. (1998). Hookers in the Holy Land. p.48.
[324] Katz, Samuel M. (1998). Hookers in the Holy Land. p.49.
[325] Josephus, P. (1989). The Works of Josephus, Antiquities of the Jews. Complete and unabridged, trans., W. Whiston. Peabody, Massachusetts: Hendrickson Publishers. (12:224).
[326] Josephus, F. (1989). The Works of Josephus. Antiquities of the Jews. (12:224)
[327] Alon, G. (1989). The Jews on Their Land in the Talmudic Age (70-640 С. E.). Trans. G. Levi from Hebrew. Cambridge: Harvard University Press (Originally published in 1980,1984 by the Magnes Press, Hebrew University. Jerusalem) p. 16.
[328] Avi-Yonah, M. (1976). The Jews under Roman and Byzantine Rule: A Political History of Palestine from the Bar Kokhba War to the Arab Conquest. Jerusalem: The Magnes Press, reprinted 1984. p.261.
[329] Parkes, J. (1934). The Conflict of the Church and the Synagogue: A Study of the Origins of Antisemitism. London: The Soncino Press, p.263, 257-258.
[330] Grant, M. (1973). The Jews in the Roman World. New York: Charles Scribner's Sons. p.288.
[331] Ibid. p.289.
[332] Jones, A. H. M. (1964). The Later Roman Empire 284-602: A Social Economic and Administrative Survey, 2 vols. Norman, Oklahoma: University of Oklahoma Press, p.950.
[333] Shaw, S. J. (1991). The Jews of the Ottoman Empire and the Turkish Republic. New York: New York University Press, p. 25.
[334] Ibid. p.26.
[335] Shaw, S. J. (1991). The Jews of the Ottoman Empire and the Turkish Republic. New York: New York University Press, p.77.
[336] Amador de los Rios, R. (1875-1876). Historia Social. Politico у Religiousa de los Judios de Espana у Portugal. Madrid. Vol. I.
[337] Ballesteros у Beretta, A. (1918-1936). Historia de Espana у Su Influencia en la Historia Universal. Barcelona. Vol. II.
[338] Castro, A. (1954). The Structure of Spanish history. Trans. E. L. King. Princeton, New Jersey: Princeton University Press.
[339] Stillman, N. A. (1979). The Jews of Arab Lands: A History and Source Book. Philadelphia: The Jewish Publication Society of America.
[340] Irving, D. (1981). Uprising! London: Hodder and Stoughton.
[341] RSV. Genesis 37:6,7.
[342] RSV. Genesis 37:26
[343] RSV Genesis 39:7-23
[344] RSV. Genesis 41:33.
[345] RSV. Genesis 47:14.
[346] RJV. for all of above quotes.
[347] Weizmann, C. (1949). Trial and Error: The Autobiography of Chaim Weizmann. New York: Harper and Brothers, p.90.
[348] KJV. Genesis 25:23-33
[349] KJV. Genesis: 27: 19-39
[350] Patai, R. (1977). The Jewish Mind. New York: Scribners. p.234.
[351] Aleichem, S. (1937). Funem Yarid. New York.
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[353] Spitz, L. (1946). Sermon by rabbi Leon Spitz. American Hebrew. March.
[354] Truman, Harry S. (1945). As quoted from the diaries of Henry A. Wallace from his papers at the University of Iowa. Included in Victory Lasky's book, It Didn't Start Watergate.
[355] Halkin, Hillel. (1998). Here to stay: An Unrepentant Zionist Reflects on his Aliyah. Moment, p.5.
[356] Menuhin, Moshe. (1965). The Decadence of Judaism in Our Time. New York: Exposition Press, Inc. p. 159.
[357] Menuhin, Moshe. (1965). The Decadence of Judaism in Our Time. New York: Exposition Press, Inc. p.397
[358] Encarta Encyclopedia. (1996). Funk and Wagnalls.
[359] Brenner, Lenni. (1984). The Iron Wall: Zionist Revisionism/win Jabotinsky to Shamir. Totowa, New Jersey. Biblio Distribution Center
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[361] U.N. Archives. (1948). A. 648. September 16. p.14.
[362] U.N. Archives. (1948). A. 648. September 16. p.14.
[363] KJV. Joshua 23:12-13.
[364] Exodus (1960). Director & Producer: Otto Preminger. United Artists.
[365] De Reynier, J. (1950). Chief Representative Of The International Committee Of The Red Cross In Jerusalem. (A Jerusalem Un Drapeau Flottait Sur La Ligne De Feu', Geneva.
[366] Yediot Ahronot. (1972). April 4.
[367] Ankori, Zvi (1982). Davar. April 9.
[368] Begin, M. (1964). The Revolt: The Story Of The Irgun. Tel-Aviv: Hadar Pub. p. 162.
[369] Haber, E. (1979). Menachem Begin, The Man And The Legend. New York: Delle Book. P. 385.
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[372] Ibid.
[373] Ibid.
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[375] Le Monde. (1993). September 12. p. 118.
[376] Look Magazine. (1962). January 16.
[377] Barnes Review. (1997). The Balfour Declaration. Jan. vol. 3.
[378] Encarta. Balfour Declaration.
[379] George, D. L. Memoirs Of The Peace Conference, p.726.
[380] Landman, S. (1936). Great Britain, Great Britain: The Jews And Palestine. London: New Zionist Press, p.3-6.
[381] Grose, P. (1984). Israel In The Mind Of America. New York: Knopf. p.64.
[382] Associated Press Online. (1999). Balfour Author Was a Jew.
[383] Encarta. Balfour Declaration.
[384] Trial Of The Major War Criminals Before The International Military Court. Nuremberg: November 14th 1945 Oct. 1 1946. Official French Text. 26th April 1946. Debates, Tome XII. D 321.
[385] Daily Express. (1933). Judea Declares War on Germany. March 24. p.1.
[386] Dawidowicz, L. (1976). Memo Of June 21, 1933, In: A Holocaust Reader. New York: Behrman. p. 150-155.
[387] Nicosia, P. R. (1985). The Third Reich And The Palestine Question. Austin: University Of Texas, p.42.
[388] Niewyk, D. L. (1980). The Jews In Weimar Germany. Baton Rouge, p.94-95,126-131,140-143.
[389] Nicosia, F. (1985). Third Reich. p.1-15.
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[392] Herzl, Т. (1970). Jewish State. New York: Herzl Press, p.33, 35, 36.
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[394] Black, E. (1984). The Transfer Agreement. New York: MacMillan. p.73.
[395] Herzl, T. (1897). Der Kongress. Welt. June 4. Reprinted In: Theodor Herzl's Zionistische Schriften (Leon Kellner, Ed.), Erster Teil, Berlin: Judisher Verlag, 1920, p. 190 (And p. 139).
[396] Rundschau. (1935). September 17. Quoted In: Yitzhak Arad, With Y. Gutman and A. Margaliot, Eds. Documents On The Holocaust (Jerusalem: Yad Vashem. (1981). p.82-83.
[397] Kem, E. (1935). Verheimlichte Dokumente. Der Angriff. Munich. (1988). December 23. p. 148.
[398] Nicosia, P. (1985). Third Reich. p.56.
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[400] Margaliot, A. (1977). The Reaction.... Yad Vashem Studies Jerusalem. Vol. 12. p.90-91.
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[402] Wise (1938). Dr. Wise Urges Jews To Declare Selves As Such. New York Herald Tribune. June 13. p. 12.
[403] Nicosia, F. (1935). Das Schwarze Korps. September 26. Quoted In: The Third Reich And The Palestine Question (1985), p.56-57.
[404] Nicosia, F. (1985). Third Reich. p.63-64, 105, 219-220.
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[408] Kotze, H. V. (1974). Heeresadjutant Bei Hitler. Stuttgart, p.65, 95.
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[413] Encyclopedia Judaica. (1971). Haavara. Vol. 7. p. 1012-1013.
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[416] Levy, R. S. (1984). Commentary, Sept. 68-71.32.
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[466] After much intimidation Cole later repudiated his revisionist viewpoints, but the tape of Francizek Piper remains.
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