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Audio Track 6

  1. Audio Track 7

Students’ E-Taskbook

Ýëåêòðîííîå ïðèëîæåíèå ê ó÷åáíîìó ïîñîáèþ



Ìèíñê 2012



Unit 1. ………….……………….…..…………. ………..………………..... 3
Unit 2. …........……. ……...……………………………………………….... 4
Unit 3. ………………...………...…………………………………………... 4
Unit 4.....……………………………………………………………………..5
Unit 5. ………………………………………...……………………………...5
Unit 6. ………………………………………...…………………………….. 6
Unit 8. ………………………………………...…………………………….. 6
Unit 9. ………………………………………...……………………………. 9
Unit 10 ………………………………………...…………………………...12
Unit 11 ………………………………………...…………………………... 14
Unit 12 ………………………………………...…………………………... 16
Unit 13 ………………………………………...…………………………... 20
Unit 14 ………………………………………...…………………………... 26
Unit 15 ………………………………………...…………………………... 30
Unit 16. ………………………………………...…………………………...36


Unit 1

Task 1. VideoFolder Structure (Unit 1) contains 13 video clips reflecting some British newspapers of different formats.

1. Watch thefirst four Video clips ( 1 - 4 ) to see the difference betweenthe quality paper and the tabloid in terms of their contents.

2. What clip reflects Sunday press review? What Sunday papers are featured in the video?

3. What papers are published exclusively on Sunday in the UK?

Task 2. Watch the remaining nine clips (5 - 13) in Folder Structure.

1. Identify the following structural parts of the newspaper article: headline (caption), lead, by-line, subhead, write them down.

2. Name the clips which contain the above mentioned structural parts of a newspaper article (e.g. Clips 6 and 7 – headline, Clip 10 – caption, etc.).

3. Translate into Russian the headlines and captions you see in the clips.

Task 3. Watch Video 1 (Folder Unit 1). The clip features the British papers front page headlines. Fill in the grid below. Do the tasks in the following order.

1. Watch the clip in full.

2. Start watching the clip again. While watching, freeze the frame. Fill in Column No 1 inthe grid below with the newspaper headlines you see in the clip.

3. Watch the video for the third time. Try to understand the lead that follows each newspaper headline. The lead is either visible on the screen (in print) or is being read out by the news presenter. Write in the lead into Column No 2 of the grid (the lead will help you get a better idea of the headline).

4. Translate the headline into Russian, put it into Column No 3.


1. The newspaper headline 2. The news presenter’s commentary 3. The headline in Russian  
Example: 1. Cameron Sparks Fury with Attack on Multiculturalism His discourse has caused anger in some quarters Âûñòóïëåíèå ïðåìüåð-ìèíèñòðà Ä. Êàìåðîíà ïî ïîâîäó ìóëüòèêóëüòóðàëèçìà âû­çâàëî íåãàòèâíóþ ðåàê­öèþ â Âåëèêîáðèòàíèè

Unit 2

Task 1. Watch Video 2 (Folder Unit 2), featuring press review, and fill in the grid below.

1. The newspaper headline 2. The news presenter’s commentary 3. The headline in Russian  

Unit 3

Task 1. Watch Video 3 (Folder Unit 3) that features press review, fill in the gridbelow.

1. The newspaper headline 2. The news presenter’s commentary 3. The headline in Russian  

Task 2. Watch Video 4 (Folder Unit 3), featuring press review, and fill in the grid below.

1. The newspaper headline 2. The news presenter’s commentary 3. The headline in Russian  

Unit 4

Task 1. Watch Video 5 (Folder Unit 4), featuring press review, and fill in the gridbelow.


1. The newspaper headline 2. The news presenter’s commentary 3. The headline in Russian  

Unit 5

Task 1. Watch Video 6.1 (Folder Unit 5), featuring press review, and get its overall idea.

You might need to know the word combinations in the box to have a better idea of the talk.


to spend a day with sb up in the constituency domestic politics

fascinating to be up somewhere

to put on sth just for show to be in the mood

not to let slip anything (at all) not to be brooding

to enjoy life up there to be blunt with sb

to be peppered throughout the interview trappings of power


Task 2. Watch Video 6.1 again and highlight its idea with the pattern Who? – What? – When? – Where? (find more than one answer) – Why? – How?

What is the general attitude of the journalist to the article in question?


Task 3. Watch another fragment of the press review talk (Video 6.2, Folder Unit 5), and try to find answers to the following questions.

1. How many papers are being reviewed?

2. How many issues are being raised? Some issues fall into several smaller problems. What are they? Fill in the grid below to report them.



Task 4. Watch Video 6.2 again and try to catch several colloquial words in Kelvin Mackenzie’s talk. What words does the journalist drop out while talking? Comment on his play with the word band.



Unit 6

Task 1. Watch Video 7 (Folder Unit 6),transcribe news presenter’s commentary to each paper being reviewed and translate it into Russian.

Unit 8

Task 1. Listen to Audio Track 1 and Audio Track 2 (Folder Unit 8) to get a general idea of the material. What is in the media focus in both tracks? If there is any difference, why is it so? Be warned that the radio programmes in question went on air on two different radio channels. They were recorded at the same hour but with a 5-minite delay.


Task 2. Listen to Audio Track 1 and:

a) count the number of news items being broadcast;

b) name the countries in the media spotlight.


Task 3. Listen to Audio Track 2 and:

a) count the number of news items being broadcast;

b) say what events are in the spotlight.

You may find the words and definitions in the boxes below useful to get the idea of the track in question.


The final salary scheme – the amount of one’s pension on his retirement is equal to his last salary in work.

Labour peer – a member of the Labour party elevated to peerage for his service to the nation. He is entitled to sit in the House of Lords as life peer.

First Minister – a post set up in the process of devolution. Equals to the UK Prime Minister but relates to the UK four constituent parts.

(British) Commonwealth Games – sporting event held every four years by the British Commonwealth countries. In 2010 India hosted the Games.

Task 3. Listen to Audio Track 1 closely. Do the following tasks.

1. Determine the three key words of Headline No 1.

2. What organizations are mentioned in Headlines No 2 and No 3. Recall the events they refer to

3. What is the general idea of Headline No 4 and No 5 is. Try to identify the key word in each headline.


Task 4. Nowlisten to Audio Track 2 again. Say what each headline tells you.


Task 5. Watch Video 8. The bulletin went on air on the same day as news bulletins featured in Audio Track 1 and Audio Track 2.

Is there any difference in television and radio news coverage? If so, what is it?

Task 6. Get to know the realia below, watch Video. The bulletin was broadcast on the same day as Video 8.


Shadow Cabinet Shadow Chancellor


Is there any difference in news headlines in Video 8 and in Video 9?

Task 7. What is the difference between news headlinesin Video 9 and in Audio Track 2?


Task 8. Watch Video 10. It contains two video news briefs. Highlight the briefs by unravelling the 5W and 1H pattern.

Task 9. Watch Videos 11-13 featuring different news channels’ headlines.

What events does each channel predominantly focus on?

Prior to watching make sure you know the following word combinations and names on the next page.


to run amock (amuck) – 1) îáåçóìåòü; áûòü âíå ñåáÿ, íåèñòîâñòâîâàòü;

2) â ÿðîñòè íàáðàñûâàòüñÿ íà âñÿêîãî âñòðå÷íîãî

to make gains – ïîëó÷àòü âûãîäó

for good – íàâñåãäà

Big Apple – New York

Nick Clegg – Leader of the UK Liberal Democratic Party

Task 10. Watch Videos 11-13 again and fill in the grid below with headlines in full. The headlines in question are reported by either Sky News, EuroNews or BBC World News. Only two of the news channelsstated above feature the same headline at a time.


  Headline in brief Headline in full (featured by one TV channel) Headline in full (featured by another TV channel)
1. Victory for nationalists in Sweden    
2. Tragic events in Germany    
3. The end of BP’s saga in the Gulf of Mexico    


Task 11. Count the Genitives in Videos 11 - 13 and fill in the blanks:

a) Video 11 ……….

b) Video 12 ……….

c) Video 13 ……….

What conclusion do you arrive at on the matter?


Task 12. Watch Videos 11- 13 again. Headlines of what channel are most difficult to perceive, in your view? Why is it the case?


Task 13. Listen to Audio Track 3, get ready to compare its contents with Video 11.

Fill in the grid below with headlines highlighting the same news headlines as in Video 11 and in Audio Track 3:


Video 11 headlines (in full) Audio Track 3 headlines (in full)

Task 14. Analyse the difference in the wording of television and radio news scripts (Video 11, Audio Track 3). What conclusion do you come to?

Task 15. Make sure you know the meaning of the expressions in the box below. Pay attention to the underlined word combinations. They are either idioms or phrasal verbs from Audio Track 4 and Video 14.


Audio Track 4

to make ascentry to parliament (ascent – âîñõîæäåíèå, ïîäúåì)

to play on fears (of voters)

a veneer of respectability

to distance itself from its neo-Nazi connections


a blot on the political landscape

Video 14

a country’s name has taken a battering

the mainstream blocks / parties

a safe pair of hands

He has to court other parties to push through some issues

a surge of votes

the Sweden Democrats have honestly touched a nerve with voters

unhappy with…

Task 16. Watch Video 14 and listen to Audio Track 4. Answer the questions.

1. Which piece is lengthier?

2. Which piece is more informative? Do you come to any conclusions?

Unit 9

Task 1. Listen to Audio Track 5 and say what genre it is. Fill in the gaps below.

1. The …1… is scraping nearly 200 quangos in a drive to improve …2… and …3….

2. The amount of …1… savers can put into a …2… is being cut from 255,000 pounds a year to …3…

3. There’s been more …1… wrangling over the …2… of Liverpool football club.

4. The …1… of Iran … has made a …2… to thousands of Hesbollah supporters in southern Lebanon on what Israel is calling “a …3… ”.

5. …1… who‘ve been treating 33 miners who were trapped …2… in Chili say most of them are in surprisingly …3….


Task 2. What lexical units can be found in the sentences in Task 1. Listen to Audio Track 5 again and fill in the grid:

a) clichés: ……………;

b) realia­­­­­­­­­­­­­ …………;

c) attributive groups ……………;

d) special terms ……………

Task 3. Listen to Audio Track 6 and Audio Track 7 and say what genre the material is. Listen to the tracks again and fill in the gaps in the script.


Audio Track 6

I. Lady Thatcher won’t be …1… at Downing Street reception this evening to mark her 85th birthday because she has flue. Around 150 friends and former colleagues are still …2… at No 10 because the former Prime Minister insisted that the party …3… ahead without her. Another reception will be held when Lady Thatcher …4… better.

II. A man who …1… his girl-friend to stop her testifying that he …2… her has been sentenced to life in prison and …3-4… a minimum of 30 years. Thomasan Vaz …5… Jane Claff in July outside Blackpool Victoria Hospital where she …6… as a nurse. Preston Crown court …7… that Vaz murdered her while on bail …8… trial for rape.

Äàòà äîáàâëåíèÿ: 2015-09-27 | Ïðîñìîòðû: 636 | Íàðóøåíèå àâòîðñêèõ ïðàâ

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