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Audio Track 7

  1. Audio Track 6

III. Fire fighters in London …1… in favour of strike action because of a row about proposed changes to their shift patterns. The London Fire Brigades …2… the shift times had been in place for more than 30 years and …3… to change. The Fire Brigades Union …4-6… strike dates.

Task 4. Listen to Audio Track 8 lead and highlight its general idea.

There are three numbers in the lead. What do they stand for:

a) ……………

b) ……………

c) ……………


Task 5. Listen to Audio Track 9 again and fill in the gaps in its script.


While the functions of some quangos will remain …1…, others will …2… under the …3… of large White Hall departments.

Our Deputy Political Editor James Landale assesses to what extent today’s announcement meets David Cameron’s pledge …4… the number, size, scope and influence of quangos. And the government’s longer term aim of …5… power back to the people.

A …6… of quangos we expected, a …7… of waste and bureaucracy – well may be. Yes, 192 quangos will …8… as public bodies, and yes, the state will do less as a result. But many of the big spending quangos will …9… and the others will …10… in a different form, …11… into Whitehall departments, losing their name plates but not their staff.

The truth is that this government, like so many others, has found the reality of office harder than the rhetoric of opposition.

The coalition agreement promised …12… in quangos …13… the deficit. But the savings will be small and not for some time. So the arguments changed. Now the ministers say the aim is to make these areas of government more …14… and …15… They also argue that by …16… some quangos into charities they are …17… their Big Society agenda of …18… power away from Whitehall. Except, of course, that Whitehall today …19… power rather than …20… it. In other words these quangos are complicated things and today’s …21… was perhaps, a modest …22…


Дата добавления: 2015-09-27 | Просмотры: 457 | Нарушение авторских прав

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