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Unit 11

Task 1. Watch Video 23. Its headlines contain colloquial words. They are:

- a noun (a slang word) …………….;

- a phrasal verb …………….;

- a noun formed from a phrasal verb …………….;

- a noun (an abbreviation) …………….;

- a verb …………….;

- an adjective ……………..

Identify the words indicated above in each headline (either in TV discourse or i n screen graphics). Use online dictionaries if necessary to look up the meaning of the words in question.

Task 2. Watch Video 25 lead. Say what holiday is in the media focus? Fill in the gaps to identify the realia the Video contains.


Despite the freezing temperatures, thousands of people, of course, will descend on …1… this evening for the annual …2… celebrations. But it seems even one of the most famous of the …3… can’t avoid the effects of the economic downturn – some tickets have been left unsold.

Find Russian equivalents of the realia you have identified.



Task 3. Watch Video 25 again. Close the gaps in the sentences below with lexical units typical of television discourse.

1. …1… …2… comes to …3… for …4…

2. Final preparations …1… today for the capital’s world renowned …2-3… celebrations.

3. There’s been a very late … for tickets this year, and some of the more expensive ones remain unsold.

4. …1-2…, a sign of the …3-4…

5. But organizers say the …1… has had …2-4…

6. It’s the weather that is …1… – with temperatures expected to drop...

Task 4. Watch Video 25 interviews and fill in the gaps below. Comment on the words you have just restored. What category of lexical units typical of TV discourse do they relate to?


­ Event Co-ordinator ……:

“We have seven stages, we have four different arenas. …1… arenas are all ticketed …2-5…. And in the street party, the…6-7… the …8… of it, …9-10… we have four …11-12…. …13… and …14… of bands. Some …15… …16-17… this year. And …18-20… turn the whole thing into an enormous …21-22…”

Interviewee’s post: Realia No 1 ……, Realia No 2 ……,

Interviewee’s name: Realia No 3 ……:

“The …1… is not …2… …3-4… against the …5… …6… of people i.e. from …7-8… have decided to come to …9… to celebrate …10-12… and that is …13-14… welcome. It’s a …15… news for us.”

Task 5. Close the gapsin the sentences from Video 28 script with various lexical units. Comment on their use by the journalist.


1. …1… today is essentially a …2-3… there are millions of people of other faiths who’ll celebrate Christmas as a …4-5…

2. This class is …1-2… of …3…, …4…, …5… and …6…

3. Such diversity is …1… to …2…and …3… other …4….

4. And …1-2… few of the pupils will celebrate Christmas as a religious festival, all are …3-6…

5. The …1… of Christmas being a Christian festival, still …2… …3-4… of what today stands for.

6. Most of the symbols we associate with Christmas like …1…, …2-3…, of course, …3-4…, don’t …5… have …6… religious connection. But …7… centuries they have become part of …8… tradition, …9-10… your faith.

7. “A lot of the things that we associate with Christmas don’t have specifically religious …1…, …2…”

8. “Things like …1… which was originally a …2-4…. Women were …5…to carry …6… around for …7-8…, and, …9-10… kissing …11-13… still has that kind of …14… with …15… ”

9. The …1-2… has printed both …3… and …4… stamps to …5… its customers a …6…


Äàòà äîáàâëåíèÿ: 2015-09-27 | Ïðîñìîòðû: 504 | Íàðóøåíèå àâòîðñêèõ ïðàâ

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