Unit 16
Task 1. Watch Video 54 again, restore its transcript. Below goes its grid.
The lead:
1. He’s been … of collapse.
2. A court in Paris … be punished.
3. He’s always … was doing.
4. Prosecutors are …
The report:
1. Four … of the rules.
2. Accused of … faked hedge transactions.
3. But his … was not unusual.
4. According to the … madder bets.
5. As long as … cared.
6. For some, … modern banking.
7. Jérôme Kerviel …
Task 2. Watch Video 55 to the end, concentrate on its details to close the information gaps.
1) the crime was committed …
2) the two murdered were believed to be victims of …
3) actually, they were … with …
4) the motive behind Colin Howl’s action was …
5) Colin acted not alone but with …
Task 3. Now, concentrate on the lexical and morphological analysis of the report. First, fill in the gaps below.
1. … he hid the …1-2… from this coastal community.
2. (they) died in a …1-2…
3. Neighbours believed they had …1-4…
4. Her husband had staged …1-3… before escaping.
5. Few people questioned the …1-2… until Colin Howel’s …3-8…
6. then he …1-3… in a financial …4…
7. He felt it …1-4…, contacted a Christian friend, and …5-8…
8. Howel was a cosmetic dentist of …1-2…
9. His …1-3… has gripped Northern Ireland.
10. Trevor’s Bukanan’s friends were …1… when his …2-3… became …4-6…
Task 4. Fill in the gaps with special terms and idioms, analyse the syntactical structure of the sentences below (Video 56.2).
1. The former …1… …2… has become the first politician to …3… …4… and …5-8… of …9-11…
2. Lord Taylor of Warwick …1… 11,000 pounds by …2-4… between Westminster and a home in Oxford he said he owned, but in fact, never …5-6…
3. But today it was he who felt …1-5….
4. No apology, in fact, no apology at all from the first parliamentarian …1-2… …3-7… over the expenses scandal.
5. As the … said, those were journeys that didn’t happen from a home that wasn’t his.
6. As a layer and a member of the House of Lords, …1-2… would and should have been …3-6…
7. …1-2… claimed he was encouraged to …3-6… by other peers but the …7-9… said …10-11… had …12… …13-15…
8. He’s been …1-3… and will …4-5… at a later date.
Task 5. Close the gaps in the sentences below (Audio Track 22). Say what grammatical structures are used in them. What are the syntactical features of the sentences in question? Translate the sentences into Russian.
1. In …1-2… she described how a man …3-5… her home and raped her.
2. His methods …1-2…: during the night he …3-5… the homes of old people …6-8…, …9-11… and …12-14… before …15… the victim and …16… …17-18… on their face, demanding cash and sometimes – sex.
3. Police …1… they can …2… Grant to …3… 203 other offences on their files but they admit that …4-5… of his elderly victims …6-7…, …8-10… to even report their attacks, …11-12… may have been far higher.
Task 6. Watch Video 59. What new information does it carry compared with Audio Track 22? Put it in separate sentences below.
1. …
2. …
N. …
Äàòà äîáàâëåíèÿ: 2015-09-27 | Ïðîñìîòðû: 445 | Íàðóøåíèå àâòîðñêèõ ïðàâ