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Task 10. Fill in the gaps in the two interviews below (Video 50) and compare them in terms of style. Make your point.

  1. A) Terms
  2. Below you will find different opinions of postgraduate students on supervision.
  3. Change the complex sentences given below according to the examples and translate them into Russian.
  4. Translate the text “Laser Diodes. Theory of Operation” with a dictionary in writing and compare the operation of a semiconductor junction diode with that of a laser diode.


A. “…1-3…,” says the Education Secretary:

“Thousands of children, including some of our very brightest leave school …1… to …2-5…, …6-10…, incapable of writing a clear and …11-12…. Well, let me be clear – under this government we …13… insist that our exams once more …14-18… the need to spell, punctuate, and write a grammatical sentence.”

B. Katie Ivens, “Campaign for …1-2…”

“You talk about …1-2…. But in fact the most advanced education systems in the world …3-6… their children have …7… of their own language. …8-10…, it’s a very advanced thing …11-13….”



Task 11. Watch the report in Video 51 and correct the transcripts below.


A. Kate Appleby:

“I’ve had few problems with my money, that’s why I got job in my 2nd year trying to find steady income. But in general I’m quite lucky to have the support from my parents. But I know that’s not the case for everybody. And if it wasn’t that I have got the support from my parents I would be a lot harder done by. And I can see how people do get into proper debt problems.”

B. Professor Steve Smith, President of “The Universities UK”:

“We think Lord Browne is good news for university, provided Lord Browne can be implemented and go through the parliament. Because in a week we get the Spending Review which reduces university spending. For ‘U UK’ the number one concern is that we maintain quality and the standing of the UK higher education.”

Task 12. Close the gaps in the transcripts below (Video 51).

Student No 1:

“I am not very financially secure. So …1-2… the university with that much …3…. We’ll have to …4… whether I’ll like to go to university.”

Student No 2:

“I’ll definitely …1-2… about whether to study in London or to travel out or just travel home sometimes.”

Task 13. What are the stylistic and syntactical features of the following sentences (Video 51).

1. As in any market, the rich will …1… richer and the poor will …2… poorer.

2. The National Union of Students talk of the …1… of the system which could double student’ debt and increase interest payments for those who borrow most to …2-5… university.

3. At the time of cuts, high fees and …1-3… for graduates young people may be forgiven for …4-8…



Task 14. Watch Video 51 ’s second half, starting with the news presenter’s words We’re live to Westminster now.

What are the three points on the tuition fees (or key recommendations) the reporter mentions. Put them down:

1) … 2) … 3) …


Task 15. Fill in the gaps in the transcript below. Analyse its grammatical and syntactical features (Video 52).


A. “We all know what it’s like – you’re at …1… week. You …2-3… with a …4-5… and do things that you regret. Isn’t it true he’s been …6-7… by the Tories …”

B. “Let’s …1… the Labour Party’s record: against …2-3… in 1997, introduced them a few months later. Against …4-6… in a manifesto in 2001, introduced top-up fees. …9… set up the Browne Review which …10… are now …11…. Now have a policy to actually tax graduates which half …12-14… doesn’t even believe in …”

Äàòà äîáàâëåíèÿ: 2015-09-27 | Ïðîñìîòðû: 629 | Íàðóøåíèå àâòîðñêèõ ïðàâ

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