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Unit 15

Task 1. Watch Video 45 and Video 46 leads and transcribe them. Compare the contents of each lead and the way each video: a) reports opening of a school year; b) reports on the variety of new subjects to be taught in school in England. Write them down into slots below.


Video 45 lead major information points:

1) …

2) …


Video 46 lead major information points:

1) …

2) …

Task 2. Watch Video 45 again, restore the words and expressions gapped below using the context in which they function in the video.


1. …1-2… to school

2. … government’s new …1-2…

3. It will allow struggling teenagers …1-2…

4. … and those who excelled, …1-2…

5. Edd Balls is (post?) …

6. Sean Fenton is (post?) …

7. But it will be a particular …

8. … that they will …1-2…

9. …1… financial skills like …2… …3… …4… and …5…

10) … of being able to …1-3… in the kitchen.

11) … are described as …1… …2… world languages…

12) in an effort to …1-2…

13) If employers do really …1-3…

14) to encourage up to 90 % of students …1-4…

What is the American equivalent of the term headmaster?


Task 3. Identify the grammatical structures used in Video 45. The sentences in question open and end up with the following words.


1. Teenagers … diploma courses.

2. 20,000 … cookery.

3. A new school … with it.

4. One which the government … stretched.

5. Education Secretary … agree.

6. As part of the school time table …cards.

7. “The introduction of … common sense”.

8. And 11 to 14 year olds … obesity.

9. But there’s concern … little.


What sentences prevail among the listed above – simple, complex or compound?

Дата добавления: 2015-09-27 | Просмотры: 355 | Нарушение авторских прав

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