Unit 10
Task 1. Watch Video 15, fill in the gaps below to analyse grammatical features of the sentences you have restored.
1. Ministers …… plans
2. The government says its aim ……
3. ……. under the overhaul every pensioner will be entitled
4. …1… means testing to an end …2… produce…
Task 2. Watch Video 17 again say what grammatical tenses are used in the piece. In some cases traditional grammatical rules are broken? Why is it the case? Fill in the gaps below.
1. I just bring you some breaking new that …1-2… in to us from StrathClyde Fire and Rescue. They …3-4… tonight they…5-6… the derailment of a train that was running to Oban in Scotland. Two carriages, we …7-8…, are precariously balanced over a 15 meter embankment. We …9-10… this is in a mountainous region. Police say the accident happened near Somefalls.
2.We …1-2… to get more information about this particular area.
3. But we …1-2…, as you can see there, the two carriages are precariously balanced.
4.We …1-2… the impression that certainly, this line …3-4…and this train carriage …5-6...over there.
Task 3. Watch Video 18 and define its genre. Listen attentively to the reporter’s talk. There are some lexical means in the piece indicating that it is spontaneous talk. What are they? Fill in the gaps in the sentences below to get the idea.
1. Last week she had to miss out on her 85th birthday party held at …1… …2… because she was suffering from the flue. We understand she hasn’t …3… recovered …4… from that illness yet.
2. Lady Thatcher has …1… been in good health, suffered some minor strokes, she still has been attending public events like a recent visit of the …2…
Task 4. What grammatical constructions can you identify in Video 18? Which of themaretypical of newspaper articles? Fill in the gaps in the sentences to get the idea.
1. They recommended that she come to hospital really as a precautionary measure for checks …1… that she stays in overnight.
But …2… that she will be allowed home in a day or so.
2. So …… she will recover from this illness, thought to be flue infection that she is suffering from last week, as I say.
Task 5. Watch Video 19 again and highlight its major idea.
1. What ……?
2. Why……?
3. Editor-in-Chief’s view ……?
4. Critics say (what?) ……?
Task 6. Fill in the gaps with phrases below. Try to make lexical, grammatical and stylistic analysis of the sentences. What does the idiom to cut to the chase mean? Can you find its Russian equivalent?
1. It came …… the presses this morning.
2. …1… is aimed at people who are …2… but still want to read a quality newspaper.
3. So, ……, stories in here will cut to the chase.
4. But at 20p it’s also …… than its mother paper.
5. “They are in …… parts of the market.”
6. “So, we’re catering for two groups of needs for two …… different papers”.
7. But The Independent, now priced at a pound, …1… its circulation …2… steadily.
8. The editor says that makes this new offering …1…, something …2… could not be said of footballers.
Task 7. Watch Video 21.1 and Video 21.2 and say what genre is in question. What newspapers are represented on the panel?
Highlight the issues that are on the programme’s agenda:
a) ……
b) ……
c) ……
What issue is being discussed in Video 21.2?
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