Liver Conditions
· Hepatitis: Inflammation of the liver, usually caused by viruses like hepatitis A, B, and C. Hepatitis can have non-infectious causes too, including heavy drinking, drugs, allergic reactions, or obesity.
· Cirrhosis: Long-term damage to the liver from any cause can lead to permanent scarring, called cirrhosis. The liver then becomes unable to function well.
· Liver cancer: The most common type of liver cancer, hepatocellular carcinoma, almost always occurs after cirrhosis is present.
· Liver failure: Liver failure has many causes including infection, genetic diseases, and excessive alcohol.
· Ascites: As cirrhosis results, the liver leaks fluid (ascites) into the belly, which becomes distended and heavy.
· Gallstones: If a gallstone becomes stuck in the bile duct draining the liver, hepatitis and bile duct infection (cholangitis) can result.
· Hemochromatosis: Hemochromatosis allows iron to deposit in the liver, damaging it. The iron also deposits throughout the body, causing multiple other health problems.
· Primary sclerosing cholangitis: A rare disease with unknown causes, primary sclerosing cholangitis causes inflammation and scarring in the bile ducts in the liver.
· Primary biliary cirrhosis: In this rare disorder, an unclear process slowly destroys the bile ducts in the liver. Permanent liver scarring (cirrhosis) eventually develops.
- What is cirrhosis? What are its types?
Cirrhosis chronic diffuse liver diseases characterized by abnormal structure and function of the liver.
Most types of cirrhosis can be classified as follows: Laennec’s, postnecrotic, biliary(primary or secondary), hemochromatosis, cardiac or congestive and rare and nonspecific cirrhosis.
There are many causes of cirrhosis including chemicals (such as alcohol, fat, and certain medications), viruses, toxic metals (such as iron and copper that accumulate in the liver as a result of genetic diseases), and autoimmune liver disease in which the body's immune system attacks the liver.
Some of the more common symptoms and signs of cirrhosis include:
· Yellowing of the skin (jaundice) due to the accumulation of bilirubin in the blood
· Fatigue
· Weakness
· Loss of appetite
· Itching
Early symptoms can include weakness and a loss of appetite, nausea and vomiting of blood, and diarrhea. Symptoms of advanced cirrhosis include jaundice, broken blood vessels, a hard liver, a swollen abdomen, and swollen ankles
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