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Mrs. S., age 74, with long history of arteriosclerosis and aortic insufficiency, usual blood pressure 200/100, had a severe coronary attack in June 1960. The Oxidation Reagent was given before true infarction could take place and the recovery was immediate. The electrocardiogram showed no infarction. The following year on June 27, 1961, she had a severe attack and was immediately hospitalized and every possible aid given while under the oxygen tent provided no favorable response. Her condition deteriorated rapidly, blood pressure 190/100, great pulmonary edema, thin weak pulse at 130 per minute, great dyspnoea, general cyanosis, chest pain, and she was at the point of collapse when the Reducing Reagent was given, 2 cc. of the one to a trillion dilution injected into the triceps muscle by Dr. Jayme Treiger. The response was immediate. Right after the needle was withdrawn, the blood pressure was found to be 140/80, the pulse 60 P.M., the dyspnoea ceased, and the cyanosis faded away. She was comfortable within a “minute.” The next morning the electrocardiogram was taken and showed extensive infarction of the septum extending over the lateral wall of the left ventricle. Another electrocardiogram taken a week later, showed much improvement with diminution of the size of the area of infarction. The day after the crisis, the blood pressure was back to her usual normal of 180/100. At the first attack, the occlusion caused by the jelling of blood in the coronary vessels was quickly changed to good dispersion before infarction could happen after the Treatment was given. In the second attack, this also happened so that the infraction process was halted from extending to include the area where the jellification had occurred. The pathology started to reverse visibly within a week and immediate functional improvement, is to be noted.
Дата добавления: 2015-07-23 | Просмотры: 583 | Нарушение авторских прав
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