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  2. Аденокарцинома желудка (Adenocarcinoma ventriculi).
  3. Плоскоклеточный ороговевающий рак кожи (Carcinoma planocellulare keratades).



Mrs. T. was 31 years of age in August 1923, when because of serious bleeding from the uterus, pain in the abdomen, back, and in her legs because of compression of the urinary bladder; she appealed to Dr. Tupper for attention. His examination found an inoperable cancer of the cervix uteri. He took a biopsy. The laboratory report reads: “August 1, 1923; tissue cervical. Sections show an atypical proliferation of squamous epithelial cells, which have markedly infiltrated the underlying tissues. Diagnosis: Squamous cell carcinoma (epithelioma). Signed, R. G. Owen, Owen Clinical Laboratory.”


Examination by the writer revealed a fixed mass involving the uterus, and adnexia in both the bladder and rectal walls. The normal landmarks were obliterated and the mass extended into the abdomen, one-third the distance to the umbilicus. The pelvis was “frozen” by the extensive infiltration. The history showed that she was unable to carry a child to term and always aborted. She was anemic, weak, with a yellowish tinge, and suffered much pain. The changes developed rapidly. Two doses of the Oxidizing Reagent were given in August 1923. In two weeks, definite improvement in pain, bleeding, and pressures were observed. During the twelfth and twenty-fourth weeks, there were reactions of pain, fever, and general achiness, as in the grippe. Thereafter, she normalized rapidly and after the 36th week she had lost all signs of the neoplasm, except that the cervix though healed was deficient on the right side. This was normalized before the first year had passed. Then she was pregnant and in term had a normal delivery of a normal child. Every two years later, she had another normal delivery of a normal child until four were born. There were no more miscarriages, as she had a normally constructed and normally functioning uterus. The pathology was completely reversed. She is still in perfect health over 39 years after being treated.


One sees that the grade of malignancy can be gauged by the rate of recovery—the speed of the reversal of the pathogenesis. Our Thesis states that the Least Common Denominator of the pathogenesis is of the same pattern as that of the recovery mechanism; it would, therefore, be anticipated that the recovery process would share the characteristics of the pathogenesis in reverse.



Дата добавления: 2015-07-23 | Просмотры: 721 | Нарушение авторских прав

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